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Aloe vera (Ingredient)

Drugbank ID: DB13906

The information below refers to products available in the United States that contain aloe vera.

Products containing aloe vera

aloe vera systemic

Drug class: herbal products

Aloe vera systemic is used in the treatment of:

aloe vera topical

Brand names: OraMagic Rx, Carrington Oral Wound Rinse
Drug classes: herbal products, topical emollients

Aloe vera topical is used in the treatment of:

Multi-ingredient medications containing aloe vera

aloe vera/collagen/lidocaine topical

Brand names: Regenecare, Lidotrex
Drug class: topical anesthetics

Aloe vera/collagen/lidocaine topical is used in the treatment of:

aloe vera/collagen/lidocaine/sodium hyaluronate topical

Brand name: Regenecare HA
Drug class: topical anesthetics

aloe vera/hydrocortisone/iodoquinol topical

Brand name: Alcortin A
Drug class: topical steroids with anti-infectives

Aloe vera/hydrocortisone/iodoquinol topical is used in the treatment of:

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.