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Infant Formula Manufactured in China Contaminated With Melamine

Audience: Consumers, pediatricians

[UPDATE 09/22/2008] FDA contacted companies who manufacture infant formula for distribution in the United States and has learned that they are not importing formula or source materials from China. FDA, in conjunction with state and local officials, began a nation-wide investigation to check Asian markets for Chinese-manufactured infant formula and have not found Chinese infant formula present on shelves in these markets. FDA is advising consumers not to purchase infant formula manufactured in China from internet sites or from other sources.

[Posted 09/12/2008] FDA issued a Health Information Advisory to consumers and healthcare professionals regarding milk-based infant formula manufactured in China. The Chinese manufactured infant formula may be contaminated with melamine. Melamine artificially increases the protein profile of milk and can cause kidney diseases. Currently, no Chinese manufacturers of infant formula have fulfilled the requirements to sell this product in the United States. FDA officials are investigating whether or not infant formula manufactured in China is being sold in specialty markets which serve the Asian community. Caregivers should not feed infant formula manufactured in China to infants and should replace any product from China with an appropriate infant formula manufactured in the United States. Individuals should contact their health care professional if they have questions regarding their infant’s health or if they note changes in their infant’s health status.

[October 3, 2008 - Statement - FDA]
[September 12, 2008 - News Release – FDA]

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