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Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Sep 1, 2024.

A durable power of attorney for healthcare (DPAHC) is also called an advance directive. It allows another person to make healthcare decisions on your behalf. This person is called a healthcare agent. Your healthcare agent speaks for you if you are too sick or injured to make your wishes known. Healthcare agents are often family members or close friends. You must trust your healthcare agent to understand the care you want and to respect your wishes. Most states have legal forms to show your choice for a healthcare agent. Work with your healthcare providers, family, and agent to create a form that reflects your wishes and beliefs.


When a DPAHC takes effect:

Your DPAHC takes effect when you cannot make your own medical decisions. Depending on your state's laws, 1 or 2 doctors must decide that you can no longer make medical decisions. You may not be able to communicate what you want. You may not understand the choices that need to be made about your medical care and the effects of the choices. You may be able to communicate, but your ability to make good decisions has changed. You are not able to understand the choices that need to be made about your medical care. You are also not able to understand the effects of the choices that need to be made.

What a DPAHC does:

If you are in the hospital, you or your family will be asked if you have any advance directives, such as a DPAHC. If you have do not, your healthcare providers may give you treatments you do not want. You could live for months or years with these treatments, but not be conscious or aware. If you have a DPAHC, your agent will tell your healthcare providers what treatments you want to have or not have.

Types of decisions you can have your agent make for you:

Your agent can get information from any of your healthcare providers to help make decisions about your treatment. Your agent can talk about treatments with your healthcare providers and ask for second opinions. Your agent can transfer your care to another healthcare provider or healthcare facility, such as a hospital or a skilled nursing home. Your agent makes decisions based on the information you put in your DPAHC. If your agent is not sure of your wishes, your agent will do what he or she thinks is best for you.

How to choose a healthcare agent:

Healthcare agents are often family members or close friends. You must trust your healthcare agent to understand the care you want and to respect your wishes. Choose an agent you trust to follow your wishes, even if your wishes differ from his or hers. Your agent must be at least 18 years old. He or she should be willing to stand up for what you want. Try to choose someone who lives nearby and will be around for a long time. Most states do not allow your doctor or other healthcare providers to be your healthcare agent, unless they are related to you.

Where to get a DPAHC form:

Your hospital, healthcare providers, and other healthcare providers should have the forms or worksheets that are used for your state. Each state has rules for DPAHCs and other advanced directives. Most states allow advanced directives prepared in one state to be used in another state. You may still want to create DPAHCs for more than one state if you travel often or spend time in another state.

How to create a DPAHC:

Legal requirements for signatures on a DPAHC:

You do not need a lawyer to write a DPAHC, but it must follow the rules of your state. The legal requirements may include the following:

How to make sure your wishes are known:

When to review your DPAHC:

You can always change or cancel your DPAHC. After you make changes, give new copies to your family, healthcare agent, and healthcare providers. Review your DPAHC whenever one of the following occurs:

For more information:

This information is not legal advice. Contact the following for more information:

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The above information is an educational aid only. It is not intended as medical advice for individual conditions or treatments. Talk to your doctor, nurse or pharmacist before following any medical regimen to see if it is safe and effective for you.

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.