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Can you take Atenolol 50mg as well as Lisinopril 10mg?


Inactive 10 June 2012

Like Kaismama said, sometimes it takes more than one BP pill to control your blood pressure. I want to add that those two meds are from different classes of meds for BP.
Atenolol is a beta-blocker. The way it lowers your BP is that it decreases your heart rate and causes a bit of dilatation of your blood vessels thereby decreasing resistance of the blood flow, which allows the blood to circulate through your body more easily.
The second med, lisinopril, and I take that one, is in the class of meds called ACE Inhibitors. This medication blocks the conversion of a substance made by your body to increase blood pressure from doing its job, thereby lowering your blood pressure another way.
The use of a beta-blocker and an ACE Inhibitor is a very common combination of medications. If that is what your doctor has prescribed for you, by all means, do not worry and take the two together.
FYI ... high BP is a silent killer. Some people never know they have it because they don't feel sick.
Take care and much peace,
Sweet Hippie

Votes: +2
kaismama 9 June 2012

If that's what the dr prescribes. Sometimes it takes more then one blood pressure med to lower a high blood pressure.

Votes: +1 free discount card

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