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Diflucan Questions
Displaying 36 questions associated with Diflucan.
Diflucan - How often can I take the fluconazole tablet USP 150mg, I took one on Wednesday and I?
... started to feel better the day and the day after I was feeling very good but I'm getting the symptoms again today Saturday can I take one more?
I took fluconazole 150 mg - oral, Diflucan two days ago??
I still feel itchy on my labia and feel I have to pee a lot. I don't know if I should wait for the fluconazole 150 mg - oral, Diflucan to kick in more or what but this stuff is very uncomfortable!
How long after taking Diflucan can you drink alcohol again?
I just took a 3 pill dose of diflucan, how long do I have to wait until I can drink alcohol again?
Completed the full dosage of Cipro for a bladder infection, should I still be in pain?
The bladder infection is accompanied with intense itching inside of my vaginal walls. The doctor said it was probably yeast. She prescribed me Fluconazole (diflucan) for this and I took it immediately, however absolutely none of the itching has subsided. I don't think it's yeast. I took... read more
Should Finish Taking the Antibiotic Even Though it Has Given Me Yeast Infection?
I am about to start Diflucan for the yeast infection. But I have a great deal of the Amoxicillin left to take. Do I finish the Amoxicillin? The dentist who prescribed the Amoxicillin has not prescribed anything else for the infection, she says wants the infection cleared as soon as possible so the... read more
Diflucan - do I have to wait 3 days to take my next fluconazole tablet?
The itching is horrible
I took Diflucan for a yeast infection, when is it safe to have sex again?
I took the prescription two days ago and the doctor gave me one more to take four days later. My symptoms seem to have disappeared already. When is it safe to have sex again?
What happens if I drink alcohol while taking diflucan ?
I took diflucan on momday , and forgot to wait 3 days before drinking alcohol.
Diflucan - How long before Difculan takes away Vaginal Yeast Infection Symptoms?
Took first pill earlier today and still having itching and cottage cheesy discharge. Also when can sex continue?
Candida Urinary Tract Infection - dose of diflucan?
in urinary tract infection
My diflucan expired 11/2010, will it still be ok?
in my current condition, on antibotics for 12 days gave me a very bad yeast inf, I didn't notice it had expired. It was one pill still wrapped never opened. Any one have an experience with an expired diflucan? My doc's office is closed and pharmacy said call dr tomorrow am (probably ok...... read more
Further information
Related condition support groups
Candida Infections, Oral Thrush, Vaginal Yeast Infection
Diflucan Patient information at
- Diflucan uses and safety info
- Diflucan prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Diflucan (detailed)