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Bydureon Questions

Displaying 13 questions associated with Bydureon.

How long can Bydureon be unrefrigerated?

How does Bydureon work?

How do you use the Bydureon pen?

Bydureon - In average,how long before the lumps go away?

I have been injecting into my thighs.I feel nervous about them not going away. Any suggestions? I did read about trying my stomach area or putting ice on the site after injections. Is there a reason the bumps don't go into my system? I was expecting them to go away eventually. Any help?

Bydureon - When do the hard lumps finally go away? Is there a way to avoid them?

Am I injecting myself incorrectly?

Is it normal for some of my bydureon to ooze out after an injection?

It doesn't happen all the time but sometimes the medicine oozes out after an injection. I also manage to bleed sometimes after the shot.

Has hair loss been a side effect for anyone taking Bydureon?

I have been on Bydureon almost 5 months! It has definitely helped cravings and decreased appetite. I have had a tooth rot under a crown very quickly and experiencing a great deal of hair loss!!!

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Diabetes, Type 2

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