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Antihistamines Questions

Displaying 23 questions associated with Antihistamines.

Which antihistamines are safe for dogs?

How much Benadryl can I give my dog?

Benadryl dosage for dogs - I've heard that you can give benadryl to a dog, so how much should I give to my dog with allergies - weighs around 25 lbs.

Is it OK to take antihistamines every day?

Does Zyrtec cause weight gain?

How long do antihistamines take to work?

Which antihistamines make you drowsy?

Can you take antihistamines when pregnant?

How do I Treat Nasal Congestion with COVID-19?

I have Wellbutrin rash after going up to 300 mgs. Anyone have similar and how long is healing time?

I was placed on Wellbutrin 150 for a month no problem..then last week she changed it to 300 and that's when the trouble started 2 days later hives/ rash everywhere. I was put on combo antihistamines and prednisone. How long does it take for these rashes to go away? It appears to be a pretty... read more

The Do's and Don'ts of Cough and Cold Medicines

Poison Ivy

Sinus - Can I take antihistamine if I am taking eliquis?

I take eliquis for afib and have a cold and runny nose. Can I take medicine with antihistamine in it.

Hydroxyzine - Why prescribe an antihistamine for panic attacks and anxiety?

Basically the doctor says Benadryl is better for anxiety and panic attacks and than Xanax. What a joke these doctors are these days, I have never in my life seen somebody freaking out with a panic attack and they said let's get them Benadryl.

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