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Results for 'Weight Medicine'

What is the best medicine for bipolar that does not cause weight gain?

I was put on mirtazapine 30 mg and gained 40 pounds in three months

Gabapentin - does everyone taking this medicine gain weight?

I just started taking this medicine gabapentin. For pain in my neck. I hope I don't gain weight. Thank you

Contrave - if hit your goal of losing weight, do you stop taking the medicine or do still continue?

Also what happens to you after you stop the medicine, does the weight cone back.

Weight gain on Synthroid has me questioning the medicine?

I've been prescribed Synthroid since March because my Nurse Practitioner believes I have hypothyroidism. We did a test before starting any... read more

Gilenya - The medicine makes you gain weight?

Desvenlafaxine - Do you gain weigh taking that medicine?

Do people gain we or lose weight taking the medicine

What Blood Pressure Medicine, that will NOT cause Weight Gain?

Please name certain med, that will not cause Weigh Gain. I take Amelodopine, Besylate, Losatran Potassium, Hydrochlorothoyzoide to conytol BP. As it... read more

Trintellix - Does this medicine cause weight gain?

Lexapro - weight gain due to appetite increase, or medicine in general?

Hello! Day 7 of Lexapro. Started with 5mg and now today I am on 10mg continuously. My question is more geared towards anyone's experience with... read more

Does Latuda cause weight gain in a lot of people or is it extremely rare to gain weight?

Does Latuda cause weight gain? I hope its extremely rare to gain weight while taking this medicine. I hope the odds are in my... read more

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