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Results for 'Valium Xanax Xanax XR Anxiety Panic Disorder Doctor'

How fast does Valium start working compared to Xanax?

I am on Klonopin for anxiety and panic attacks and it does not work. Trying to find out whether Xanax or Valium... read more

How many 2mg Valium is equivalent to a 1mg Xanax?

Are Valium or Xanax the best for anxiety disorders?

Does Xanax XR work better than Xanax IR?

I have been taking Xanax IR 1mg 4x daily for many years for my anxiety disorder,but i still have severe panic... read more

Looking for valium experiances... twice weekly users?

Today im going to the doc and requesting valium while i transition into new antidepressants. i was wondering if anyone who has used... read more

I've been on 2mg Xanax for 12 yrs. Ran out, and taking 10mg valium, help?

I do have a severe anxiety disorder, I always [even when I was in high school, back in the 1980's] I had a bad anxiety... read more

My doctor wants me to come to office every month for script of Xanax. He called it in once.

I dont understand he called in temazepam and its the same schedule 3 drug? I going through anxiety just trying to get a refill.

On 10mg Valium built a tolerance is there anything stronger I cant take xanax or klonopin?

i been on 10mgs of Valium 3x a day i dont know if theres anything they can give me stronger been on Valium for 8 moths i have very... read more

Has anyone found anything better than xanax-XR for panic attacks and anxiety? It works great for me?

I have been on quite a few benzos for aniety/ panic attacks but so far have found this to be the best one yet. An overall even feel all day as... read more

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