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Results for 'Oxycodone Medical Medication ECT Post Traumatic Stress Disorder'

Does the medication Abilify make most patients sleepy?

My provider added that to my list of medications and told me to take it in the am??? Why? I should probably call her today and verify. I'm... read more

Can I take these medications how I want to?

I know that sertraline and buspirone interact with eachother but it is what my dr prescribed me, I take 150 mg of sertraline once a day and I take... read more

Better to cut my Depakote pills in half if I don't have enough? Or go a couple days without them?

I take 2 - 250mg pills of Depakote twice each morning and night (for Borderline Personality Disorder), and was horrified when I realized I... read more

Does prazosin 1 mg cause confusion. Or loosing balance?

Making this medication for approximately 5 to 6 nights as the doctor prescribed. Since then I've had confusion unbalanced and still some... read more

How does sertraline affect PTSD?

I want to know if sertraline affects your memory, I want to be able to recall events so I can work through them with A therapist. I’m hesitant... read more

Zoloft EMOTIONAL NUMBNESS Side effects How long will this last?

(took the pill 10:00PM 26th) (October 27th 4:00PM)Believe it or not I already feel my medication, it felt pretty good at first but as the... read more

My daughter is 14 and was prescribed zoloft for anxiety and post tramatic stress disorder?

I was asking for peoples opinions about it. Do any of you have or know anybody with kids that are on it? I am worried about the side effects.

Can I take these meds together?

Lipitor 10mg and amitriptyline 50mg?

Venlafaxine - Does it help with these anxiety?

I’m starting this medication Thursday 37.5mg I suffer from severe anxiety. I used to be very outgoing my grandfather and I were very... read more

ADHD and PTSD and anxiety?

Is it safe to use these 3 medications together? Vyvanse 70mg Intuniv 4mg Wellbutrin 300mg

Sertraline 4th week worse?

I'm nearly 4 week's taking sertraline. Started on December the 9th. I felt a few small positive changes, the first 2 week's. Then u... read more

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