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Results for 'Lexapro Valium Depression Kidney'

How many 2mg Valium is equivalent to a 1mg Xanax?

Is lexapro better to take in the morning or evening?

do you get better sleep taking it in the evening because i think my sleep is all influnced by drugs like valium, serapax and Temezapam and I... read more

Is it normal to have head pressure constant, migraines, non stop when withdrawing from valium?

I was placed on xanax for anxiety/depression for 6 years and then taken of and placed on valium which has been for the last 2 years... read more

Can you take mirtazapine and Valium at the same time?

I have been taking 15 mg of Valium a day. Can I take my mirtazapine tablet of 15 mg as well

Has propranolol caused kidney problems with ?

Also I have gained 27 pounds since June, my vision has gotten worse very blurry feet cold all of the time swelling in feet legs and eyelids very... read more

I have CKD. My GFR was 28 and it is 35 now. How can that be if you can't improve kidney function?

Is this just a fluke or can my GFR actually improve from stage 4 to stage 3? Every thing I have read states the diease cannot be reversed.

Are olanzapine like Valium?

Do Valium,Xanax and Klonopin all show up as the same medicine in a urine test? I take 3 Valium a day

... but sometimes when my nerves get really bad I take some of my sons Klonopin. So I was just wondering if it would show up the same medicine in a... read more

Can Valium cause rapid heartbeat? I took 5mg of Valium about 12 hours ago for a panic attack, it did

... help but now my heart is beating very rapidly. I have never had panic attacks before so I'm not sure if this is from the Valium or if... read more

How long will it take to pass a 5mm kidney stone with flomax?

I have 2 x 5mm kidney stones, one on each side. I was first put on Doxazosin, but that did not pass either of them so my doctor switched me to... read more

Is there a difference between generic valium and the real valium?

Any body try both and see a dfifference?

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