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Results for 'Levaquin Bleeding Disorder Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Bacterial Infection Bronchitis Deep Vein Thrombosis - First Event Azithromycin Warfarin'

I need an anibiotic. What can I safely use while on warfarin?

I was given azithromycin. I was scared and did not take it. Then I was given Levaquin. I was told of the increased risk for... read more

Can I donate blood if I am on Xarelto?

Can Warfarin cause hair loss?

I was on Warfarin from 10/2011 until 5/2012. In Jan. or Feb. of 2012 my hair started coming out in big chuncks everytime I washed it. I... read more

Has anyone experienced a PE while on Xarelto?

I have been on Xarelto since switching from Cumadin a month ago and about a week ago I had sharp pains in my chest then three days ago I had an... read more

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) - can you use a sunbed or go in the sun if you have a dvt?

is it safe to go in the sun or use a sun bed if you have a dvt

How does Xarelto work?

Eliquis and Xarelto, feeling super tired and dizzy. How long until side effects are totally gone?

Hello, due to a pulmonary embolism 2 years ago I was on Xarelto and now changed about 1 week ago to Eliquis. First half year I had basically... read more

Top 6 Eliquis Side Effects: What You Need to Know in Depth

How and where is the enoxaparin injection given?

Has anyone been recommended to take Xarelto for three months only to treat DVT in leg?

I am a 40 year old female with no genetic predisposition for blood clots. On 9/4/16 I had a sclerotherapy to treat varicose veins on my left calf and... read more

How do you reverse bleeding with Xarelto?

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