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Results for 'Esophageal Disease Esophageal Spasm Muscle Spasm Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Enalapril Endoscopy Chronic Throat Heart'

Esophageal Spasm - I have a lump in my throat and chest pain 24-7 from my esophageal muscle spasms?

what is the best medication and is the lump and pain normal to stay continous Thanks

My gastro doc has perscribed Baclofen ( a muscule relaxer) for esophageal spasms. I do think I may?

... have had at least one of these spasms during a severe gerd attack. But due to also having been diagnosed with costochondritis (inflamation of the... read more

Has anyone ever used Elavil for esophageal spasms [severe] along with severe hiatal hernia and re?

Also have reflux from both the esophogus and hiatal hernia. Has been about 3 years and is continuing to get worse. Spasms cause my throat to... read more

Isosorbide Mononitrate - How long does it take Imdur to relieve chest pain?

I just started Imdur yesterday for esophageal spasms and I am wondering how long it takes to get relief from the chest pains. I... read more

Gastroparesis and constipation: what works?

I was diagnosed with severe gastroparesis, and also esophageal spasms, and chronic constipation. So, I haven't gone in... read more

Can Nortriptyline help with acid reflux disease?

I was experiencing bad acid reflux (silent type with bad sore thoarts) for years. My Dr. prescribe nortriptyline for some chronic pain I was... read more

What's the difference between tonsillitis and strep throat?

Did anyone experience severe joints and muscle pain after Rituximab?

I'm on my second infusion of Rituximab and I had flu like symptoms, sore throat and a terrible muscle pain in my joints and all... read more

What's the best sore throat medicine to use?

Does Mucinex help with a sore throat?

Can methotrexate cause mental or mood changes?

I am now up to 17.5 mgs a week and am feeling a little mixed-up at times and even fearful of something at times. I also have a sore throat... read more

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