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Results for 'Erythromycin Penicillin'

Erythromycin was prescribed. I was given purmycin. what are the other components of it - I react?

... badly to penicillin and sulphurs and feel dreadful? vague, dizzy disorientated and aching

Has erythromycin got penicillin in it?

My son is allergic to penicillin and has been prescribed erythromycin for bacterial pneumonia.Does this drug contain penicillin?

What causes black hairy tongue?

My grandmother has a tube of erythromycin ophthalmic ointment that was perscribed to her for an eye?

problem a couple years ago. Shes recently started having the same trouble in the other eye and was wondering if it would be ok to use now. the tube... read more

I was prescribed Erythromycin Opthalmic Ointment for my eyes for many years, which I applied every?

night for years. I was just diagnosed with Glaucoma. There is NO history of Glaucoma in my family anywhere. Is it possible that the medicine, or the... read more

I was prescribed penicillin 4 times per day for ten days. I took penicillin four hours apart instead

... and am going through skin reactions and low grade fever. Should I panic and go to ER or just monitor the fever and skin reactions?

Erythromycin - Can I take erthromycin for a U.T.I?

Can I take erthromycin for an Urinary track infection

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