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Results for 'Copper Copper Topical Menstruation Cramp ParaGard IUD'

How does the Paragard IUD work?

Can Paragard stop periods?

Can you get pregnant on Paragard?

How soon is Paragard effective?

How long does Paragard last?

Can you get pregnant with an IUD?

Persistent BV a year after Paraguard IUD, douching? Treatment?

I've had my Paraguard IUD for over two years and in this past year I developed persistent BV that does not get better from multiple and... read more

ParaGard vs Mirena: What's the difference?

Both ParaGard and Mirena are IUDs compare which one is more effective or has fewer side effects?

What should I expect after a Mirena IUD removal?

What are the side effects of IUDs?

Does Paragard cause weight gain?

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