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Results for 'Cold sores Infectious Mononucleosis Doctor Virus'

Can fluoxetine cause a sore throat?

My daughter has had a recurring sore throat since her dosage of fluoxetine was raised in the fall. She has been tested for mono three times and told... read more

Did you have a virus before getting narcolepsy?

I am curious about this because my daughter and I got mono and really never recovered.

How long does the cold/flu virus live on surfaces?

Can I use mupirocin ointment on particularly bad cold sores?

Impetigo like cold sores down my face, spreading on my lips and around my mouth. Nothing is helping.

Can I take acyclovir 400mg 6times a day for a cold sore?

I haven't used my Acyclovir 400 MG in a very long time since my first break out about 4 years ago My Acyclovir 400 mg expired 8 months ago. I... read more

How Much Valtrex Can I Take For My Cold Sores if the Prescribed 2grams Twice a Day is Not Working?

I got a cold sore last week and took the 2grams twice a day for one day. It turned out not being that bad. Then today I woke up (4 days later)... read more

Cold sores - will fluocinonide treat a cold sore?

Can I use Bacitracin Antibiotic whater-jel for chapped lips/cold sores?

I seem to have an allergic reaction when using any type of chap stick, it cases cold sore and fever blisters when I try to use them. I am... read more

Mavyret - Cold sore side effect or shingles?

Has anyone else had issues with fever blisters ??? I’ve had them consistently since week two of taking the medication and haven’t had one... read more

Does nitrofurantoin mono- mcr 100 mg have penicillin? ??

My friend was given these pills for uti but I wanted to know i if its a penicillin??? For me to take because I'm allergic..

Grey skin/blue lips while fainting?

Due to being sick with mono and dehydration, I passed out after a long time being in bed. I was unconscious for thirty seconds, and was held upright,... read more

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