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Results for 'BuSpar Xanax Buspirone Narcotic'

Buspirone - Is Buspar the same as Xanax and colanazapam? Is it a narcotic?

Will Buspar do the same thing as my Xanax do?

BuSpar - Buspirone and Xanax?

I suffer from very bad anxiety. I get nervous VERY easy, I panic and my mind goes blank in any situation. I work at a bank, started doing new... read more

BuSpar - How long did it take your body to adjust to buspirone? I have been super dizzy, shaky...

... and more anxious recently.

Has anyone ever experienced really cold hands and feet on buspirone/Buspar?

It seems that I am experiencing a sort of cold intolerance. I feel abnormally cold even when it is 72 degrees in my house. There is nothing i can do... read more

BuSpar - Can buspirone work before 2 weeks?

Has anyone had buspirone work within a week? I mean I'm only working on day 3 but just curious. As of now, no side effects but wondering... read more

Buspirone - Buspar dizziness?

Have been on Buspar for 4 days now, after coming off SSRIs following 15 years of usage for OCD. Worked immediately, almost TOO immediately (if... read more

Buspirone - Can Buspar be taken only once a day? How long before the dizziness goes away?

Can Buspar be effective taken only once daily? Preferred day or night? When does the dizziness go away? I’m scared to take in the... read more

BuSpar - Can I reinstate buspirone?

I stopped buspirone having withdrawals if I start it back will withdrawal symptoms subside

How long does BuSpar (buspirone) take to work?

Hello, I began taking BuSpar (buspirone) 2 weeks ago for generalized anxiety disorder. Not sure im feeling the effects and wondering... read more

Buspirone - Buspar does it work and how long does it take?

For those who say Buspar has worked, how long did it take and what dose. I just started on 10mg daily. Is this enough?

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