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Results for 'Abilify Schizophrenia Paranoid Disorder Medication'

Vraylay vs Abilify - how do they compare?

I was recently prescribed Vraylar but I was leaning more towards Abilify. Which medication is better? How are they different? Any... read more

What is the difference between Abilify and Abilify Maintena?

Abilify - Paranoia and very mild delusions?

I am looking to treat paranoia and tendency to come to conclusions not based in reality. Kind of like a psychosis. Im already on seroquel and... read more

Abilify - Do these meds work? I am at a loss?

Anyone take Abilify, Lamictal & Wellbutrin for BPD, PTSD, major depressive disorder and anxiety? I'm currently on Wellbutrin... read more

Does abilify help with focus?

I was prescribed abilify in a very low dose, so my doctor said. I filled the prescription and never took it. I have some memory issues as a... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Abilify Maintena 400mg's injection side effects - not enjoying?

I suffer from schizo affective disorder I am prescribed 400 mg's of Abilify Maintena injection every 4 weeks and I am not happy... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Vraylar vs Abilify - How do they compare?

Abilify dosage vs intelligence?

Hello i'm the father of a son diagnosed with paranoid delusions and taking currently abilify 15 mg once a day,my son is very high... read more

Aripiprazole - Worsening of positive symptoms in psychosis/schizophrenia?

After starting Aripiprazole I had the experience that the positive symptoms became worse but the negative symptoms better. The side effects profil is... read more

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