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Results for 'Abilify Depression Bipolar Disorder Lamotrigine Schizoaffective Disorder'

Does Abilify make anyone else tired?

Abilify makes me so tired I can't even function. So what other mediciness that work with lamotrigine can I take instead?

Abilify 2mg to 5mg, making me shake bad?

i have been on abilify for 2 weeks, 2 mg. my doc wanted to me up my dose to 5 mg last night.. been shaking and tired all day. Had a... read more

Does abilify help with focus?

I was prescribed abilify in a very low dose, so my doctor said. I filled the prescription and never took it. I have some memory issues as a... read more

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Lamotrigine side effects taken with Vyvanese?

I have been taking this for 6 weeks. Yes it has made me feel better but I am so sore in my shoulders and knees. I mean sore as. I cant properly throw... read more

Is it better to take lamotrigine at night?

Does Abilify cause weight gain?

Abilify Maintena 400mg's injection side effects - not enjoying?

I suffer from schizo affective disorder I am prescribed 400 mg's of Abilify Maintena injection every 4 weeks and I am not... read more

What is the difference between Abilify and Abilify Maintena?

I stopped taking Abilify 1 month ago. I still feel emotionally num/blunted, have no libido, and...

... have not lost any of the 30 lbs I gained despite going a diet/exercise plan. I took 10mg for 2 years. I am in distress about the continuation of... read more

I Take Wellbutrin 150mg and Pristiq 50mg a day; Is this a good Combination? Are both SNRI's?

My Dr. added 50mg Pristiq 50mg due to the severe depression I couldn't stop. He also added Lamictal 100mg and Abilify 5mg also... read more

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