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Results for 'Insomnia Doxepin Anxiety Depression'

Day 12 on lexapro having really bad insomnia?!?

Hi all. Firstly I was on aropax (Paxil) for 15 years to help with anxiety and depression. The last nine months I have been having... read more

I have insomnia and anxiety. My doctor gave me amitriptyline for anxiety.

She did not say anything about my insomnia. Is amitriptyline used for insomnia also?

Wellbutrin SR - How long do side effects, especially insomnia, take to diminish?

I have been taking Wellbutrin SR 150mgs daily in AM for 5 days. How long does it take before side effects, especially insomnia, take to... read more

Zoloft in mornings for hypersomnia or at night for insomnia?

My doc just changed me from Celexa to Zoloft because I have had anxiety pretty bad lately. He also gave me Xanax. I have been taking ambien at... read more

New to Lexapro - Does the heightened anxiety and sleep maintenance insomnia go away?

I started Lexapro 11 days go. 8 days at 5mg, now up to 10mg. I’ve been having horrific anxiety and depression, and while I can... read more

Does insomnia last long on lexapro?

Hello, I currently taking Lexapro 10 mg and todayarks a week. I can see a slight improvement with my depression and anxiety. When i... read more

I have very bad insomnia, ambien doesnt work, can anyone help me?

My doctor recentally perscribed me to 10mg ambien to go with my .5mg klonopins and 20mg celexa. Originally he said the klonopins would knock me out.... read more

Does insomnia and constipation side effect pass on duloxetine?

I just started 30mg duloxetine generic brand for major depression and anxiety. I feel this drug helps however I get servere... read more

Lexapro insomnia & tingling feeling in legs & tight jaw?

I was on Lexapro 5mg for 8 days then 2.5 for 3 days. I decided to get offBecause of the side effects of more anxiety and depression and... read more

Wellbutrin, has anyone experienced hard or rapid & irregular heartbeats, muscle back pain, insomnia?

Loss of appetite and cannot gain any weight? This all makes me anxious and the whole reason I went on it was for depression and... read more

If I take a low dose of Buspar in the morning will it still cause insomnia?

I just got prescribed Buspar for anxiety. I take Wellbutrin for depression because it has the least side effects. Unfortunately does... read more

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