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Results for 'Polymyalgia Rheumatica Prednisone Male Nose Diagnosis'

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Does anyone have swollen sore hands as a side effect to taking Prednisone?

I have been on prednisone since sept. I am now weening off of it, and am waking up with painful, swollen hands. Has anyone else with... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - I am not sure I can work with PMR. It takes A couple of hours in the?

... morning to get to a place where I can walk I'm week my wrists can't even pour my own teapot. Can I get disability? I am 58 years old... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica - Does anyone else have flareups of PMR when trying drugs for other...

... conditions? Over the past few years I have been prescribed several muscle relaxers and blood thinners, also metformin and Cymbalta. Within two... read more

I have excessive sweating on face and head can prednisone cause this?

It hits when I exert or stress I get wring and wet! Is this dangerous? I am trying to get off slowly. On prednisone for one year. My sed rate... read more

Diagnosed with PMR: Prednisone & CBD Oil, Can you share outcomes?

I have been on prednisone for the past 3 months after having been diagnosed with PMR. In order to be spared the long-term side-effects of... read more

Does polymyalgia rheumatica recur?

Does polymyalgia rheumatica recur? I had it 5 years ago and endured many months of misery. Also got a cataract from the steroids. Now... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica sufferer?

I have been suffering from PMR for 4 years now. I was initially on prednisolone and have ended up on methotrexate (20mg weekly) via about 15 months... read more

Prednisone and Surgery: I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and need hip replacement surgery?

In the process of preparing for a hip replacement surgery, they found that I have Polymyalgia Rheumatica 3 weeks ago. I was in such... read more

Can prednisone cause blurred vision and numbness in feet?

Been on 20ng per day prednisone for PMR for 5 months. Toes have started going numb and vision blurring. Can these be side affects of... read more

Polymyalgia Rheumatica -are there any alternative treatments?

I dont want to take steroids so wondered has anyone found alternative treatments or diet changes that have helped..if so what were they... thank you

Is anyone taking Kevzara or Actemra?

Dosage? With or without prednisone? Side effects? For how long? Efficacy?

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