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Results for 'Methadone Side Effect Dosage'

How do you safely reduce propranolol dosage without getting negative side-effects from it?

Hello, as I stated in the question I am wanting to completely get off of propranolol. I take it for chronic migraines but the side effects are... read more

Creon side effects and minimum dosage?

In 2005 I suffered a bad case of Severe Acute Necrotizing Ideopathic Pancreatits. They wanted to operate to remove my panceras, but decided I would... read more

Lexapro side effect nightmare- can anyone relate?

Hi all, Last night I took my first dose of 10mg lexapro. I woke up at 4am clenching my teeth soooo badly. Then I felt very out of it, nauseous and in... read more

Side effects from metoprolol tatrate sudden dosage change?

Hello, My husbands Doctor prescribed 25 mg twice a day of metoprolol tartrate which he was on for 30 days then when returning to the Doctors was... read more

How long after the last usage of opiates should one wait before begining to take methadone?

Should one wait until withdrawl symptoms start before begining to take methadone? What is the required amount of time between using opiates... read more

Does methadone continue to make you tired after two weeks on it?

I just started methadone two weeks ago for opiate addiction! I was at 50mg but was unbearably tired. So I talked to the clinic and they... read more

Methadone making me sleepy?

Started 4 days ago at 20 mg twice a day. Previously I was on the Fentanyl patch 50 mcgs (dropped down from 125 mcgs over the past three months), 15... read more

How can I stop sweating, so profusly, while on methadone?

I have bad hot flashes and can not ever seem to cool down once I have begun to sweat. I sweat on my brow, my back, and chest. I dont sweat bad under... read more

I don't think I go through withdrawals. What does that mean? I am taking 120 mg of methadone a day?

All my life I have had a very high tolerance to medications. It is a trait that runs in my mom's side of the family. I have also noticed... read more

How long does Methadone stay in your system?

I take Lortab 10, 4x day, but does not take care of my pain. dr. is going to take labs on me, will be 7 days since i took a methadone, only... read more

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