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Results for 'Lexapro Wellbutrin'

Wellbutrin XL - Will jaw clenching subside with wellbutrin use?

I started on the generic wellbutrin XL 150 mg two weeks ago for my SAD. Everything is great except severe jaw clenching and tightness.... read more

Wellbutrin XL - Wellbutrin and fatigue?

I am on my 2nd day of taking Wellbutrin XL 150mg. I've noticed that I am very tired. Do you think that it is a side effect from starting... read more

What is difference between Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin SR, and XL?

Are they prescribed for different medical conditions? Do the pills contain different chemicals? Which of them causes the least side effects?

Auvelity vs. Wellbutrin: Effectiveness for Depression?

Drug interactions with Wellbutrin XL?

I had been taking Wellbutrin in conjunction with Lexapro for help with depression, anxiety, and nicotine cravings, and some other... read more

What type of allergy medication can I take with wellbutrin XL?

I also take Lexapro and Abilify along with the wellbutrin. My allergies are terriable right now and I want to take something but not... read more

Wellbutrin sr and menstrual cycle?

I started taking Wellbutrin 7 days ago. On the 3rd day of taking it I noticed I was real edgy. I also take Lexapro. I'm wondering... read more

Wellbutrin added to Lexapro?

I have been on Lexapro for over a year now for severe anxiety and minor depression. a main cause of my anxiety is my weight (i lost 90 pounds... read more

Lexapro and Wellbutrin together?

My doctor prescribed me Wellbutrin in addition to the Lexapro I've been taking for two years. Has anyone had any side effects of... read more

My wife takes Wellbutrin and Vyvanse and now has been prescribed Lexapro. Is this OK?

She is 46. Our first child just left for college and then marriage problems started. She works overnight in a high stress environment surrounded by... read more

Lexapro added to my Wellbutrin?

My psych doc changed my meds again! I have been on WB 75 mg x1 day instant release 4 weeks, he changed it to WB 100 SR 1 x day, been on it 3 weeks.... read more

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