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Results for 'Hyperhidrosis Pain'

Should gabapentin be taken with food?

Does anyone know the equivalence of 4 mg Dilaudid to 30 mg Oxycodone?

My dr switched me to dilaudid after me telling him the 30 mg oxy was not helping. Now I am so sick, sweating like a horse (I know I am not) but sure... read more

Voltaren Gel - can voltaen gel cause excessive sweating?

I used to take Voltaren in pill form but my endoscopy showed a lot of irritation. I was recently given the gel and it work with the pain I... read more

Neurontin/gabapentin - have any of you adjusted to the side effects? It's working, though!!?

Hi gang! My neuropathy has been Hair-On-Fire painful since the end of 2009, maybe earlier, to the point where Cemeteries looked comfortable, just... read more

Can drugs be excreted in sweat and salavia?

and what examples?

Need help and opinion about why my feet stink with shoes on?

So my feet start to sweat and i tried all kinds of remidies and by the way im 17 years old. When i go to school my feet start sweating and it smell... read more

What is VX-548 (suzetrigine)?

Can the mirena coil cause excessive body sweating?

i have had the mirena coil in for five years and it will be took out in the next couple of days. i have gained weight severe headaches which last... read more

Paliperidone - Does the antipsychotic make you excessively sweat?

Does the medication make you excessively sweat??

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