An employee in a drugstore in Barcelona gave me these when I told her that my arm constantly hurts. She said Gloxi Feno is all natural and good for pain. I live in Taiwan and have been seen by a Neurologist who says I have "neuralgia" and has been giving me pills to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. I have been through so many pills in Taiwan and I have received no pain relief. A pharmacist in Taiwan gave me "Keto" for 7 days and while I am 3 days into those, no pain relief. Desperately, I went to the drug store here and was given the Gloxi Feno. I can't find any info on it on the web and am hesitant to take it since I've started Keto. HOWEVER, I am so desperate to have some pain relief from the tingling and dull ache in my arm and tingling fingers that I want to take this. Anyone know what the Spanish call "Gloxi Feno" is? Supposed to take 2-3/day.
Gloxi Feno (large white capsules)?
Question posted by Tingna on 4 Aug 2009
Last updated on 23 June 2017 by kinses
Hi - I was in Barcelona last week (I Live in the UK) and went into a Pharmacy and asked for something for a headache. They sold me Gloxifeno and told me it was "like" Ibuprofen
I took one 500mg capsule and my acute headache cleared up very quickly - I brought the medicine home to the UK believing it was a powerful drug but when I run a translator app over it i find the ingredients are mainly Willow and Ponytail
So this is a homeopathic medicine -= i never would have tried it from choice but believe me it really does seem to work!
I'm sorry I could not find any information on Gloxi Feno either.
Is there any more information on the label or packaging that may help? Would it be possible to find out the generic name or the active ingredients? Even the manufacturer's name would help.
Hi, thanks for trying. I was able to speak to a doctor and he said it was just a "natural remedy". I went back to the pharmacy from which I bought it and they explained that they were a "pharmacy" but not a regular "pharmacy". ANYWAY, here's a question: the doc I spoke with told me that I should go to a regular pharmacy while still in Spain and ask for "Enantyum"-25 mg (Dexketoprofen trometamol 25mg). I did so. I have been taking it for the last few days and it has been the ONLY "NSAID" drug that has offered me enough pain relief. I don't know how long I can safely take this drug though.I am showing it to the Neurologist tomorrow now that I am back in Taipei to ask his opinion and see if I can get more if necessary but they have never prescribed any anti-inflammatory agent here that has provided nearly enough pain relief.
So, if I can get more here, does anyone know if I can just keep taking it until the problem inflammation in my left shoulder is gone and the tingling, pain and throbbing leaves my left arm? I'm not noticing any probs at this point. No nausea, headaches or sleepiness, etc. I'm just afraid I'll have to stop taking it before the inflammation is gone and I'll be right back to where I started with the all consuming pain. Am I correct in saying that this drug reduces pain while definitely working on the inflammation too? I want to make sure that I'm getting at the root of the problem and not just blanketing it with a pain reliever. Thank you!
Hi Tingna, It would be good to know what the "Keto" was that you were given in Taipei. The doctor in Spain has given you dexketoprofen (similar to ketoprofen in the US - "keto"?) which is a non-steroidal an anti-inflammatory drug that does work on both the inflammation and the pain. You can take it safely for a reasonable amount of time. Always take it with food as NSAID's can be irritant to to stomach. Good luck.
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