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I have a small moveable lump on my kneecap. Has anyone else had this?

8 Answers

Inactive 19 May 2011

Not that you all are just dying to hear about my lumpy knee but I have a new update just in case someone stumbles upon this with a similar problem maybe it could be helpful. I have cartilage loose in the front and a Bakers cyst in the back. The pain is really getting bad in the back. The treatment for the cyst is Ibuprofen and they upped the oxycodone I already take. I will see the orthopedist in 3 weeks as planned. They may drain the cyst and possibly steroid injection for the loose cartilage or surgery for the front.

Votes: +1
Inactive 19 May 2011

Hi Mel,
Thank you for the update, hope it all goes well for you. Let us know after your procedure how you are doing please.
Your friend and neighbour,

Inactive 19 May 2011

Thank you neighbor. I will let you know how it goes.

LaurieShay 19 May 2011

Hang in there girl and wish you the very best. Sounds like you are getting the treatment you need even if it is a little slow in coming. Good luck and God bless!!

madhattersbash 19 May 2011

Thanks for the update--good luck to you!

madhattersbash 11 May 2011

Hi Everyone:
Until I can get in to my MD, I asked my Chiro to feel the lump. He said is was probably a Lipoma--a benign fatty tissue cyst/tumor.
But I still will have it checked out!
Good Luck with the June apptmt.
Don't know what type of insurance you have (HMO??) but maybe if you keep calling back to report the "increasing" severity of your pain they will get tired of taking your calls and 'find' a spot for you sooner!
Or, call and talk to the actual apptmt. person--if that is different from the receptionist, and explain that you will take ANY cancelation apptmt. that comes up on short notice (just give the person your time frame as far as gettting to the office, once they call) and then give them not only your home phone number but also your cell--if you have one.


Kill them with kindness and sweetness--it's amazing how far that will go to get you what you want--- most Staff is harrassed and yelled at all day long by unhappy people in pain... when someone is actually NICE to them, they just might go out of their way to help you! Just a thought.
Mary, madhatter, 5/11/11 8:05 am ET

Votes: +2
Inactive 11 May 2011

So sorry Mary MHB,
I just quoted you! It is too early for moi, didn't read your answer, durrrrrr!
Mary, get that thing checked out too!

madhattersbash 11 May 2011

Lara: I'ma gonna to...

Inactive 9 May 2011

Just an update. I saw my primary today and he is sending me to an orthopediast. Hope fully I can get in soon because my knee is getting worse everyday. Now the back of my knee is swollen too. I can also feel a lump in the back of my knee. Thanks again for your answers!

Votes: +1
LaurieShay 9 May 2011

Hey mel ander,

Is the primary going to make the appointment, they will get you in alot faster than if you call yourself. You probably already know that but just thought I would mention. Hope all turns out ok, and I'll be praying for you. You can try some ice on the knee and keep it elevated above the nose. It really will help.

Best wishes,


madhattersbash 9 May 2011

Best of Luck to you!

Inactive 11 May 2011

Can't get in till June 8th. The pain seems to be getting worse everyday. I hope I can hold on till then!

LaurieShay 11 May 2011

Hang in there and elevate and ice the knee so to reduce any swelling.


Inactive 11 May 2011

Hi Mel,
June 8th??? Call and keep calling, see if you can get in early on a cacellation? If you are in horrid pain, go to your ER if you can, hope it feels better with icing! But don't EAT THE ICING! (sorry, bad joke!)

Inactive 7 May 2011

I called and made an app. for Monday. (5-9-2011) Two years ago I fell and landed with all my weight on my right knee on the stairs. There was a chip in the kneecap but after the initial pain and when the bruising went away I never had any trouble with it. You could see the indentation on my knee, but it didn't hurt. Untill a couple of months ago when it would hurt when I knelt on it. Then last week it began to hurt all the time and I noticed the lump. It's squishy and can move when I push it. We'll see what the doctor says I guess.
Thanks for the responses.

Votes: +1
madhattersbash 7 May 2011

Good info.
Now, can you 'diagnose' MY 'lumps'??
I have had a small, hard lump at the top of my right thigh for several years now. It's never bothered me and didn't seem to grow, so I just ignored it.
Went to dermatologis recently about something else and had HER look and feel it. She said she thought it was nothing, but, if it grew, to come back in.
Well, it feels like it is a little larger, and when my massage therapist pressed on it yesterday it was sore/tender. I also noticed for the first time on Thursday that I seem to be developing MORE of these--some on the top of my other thigh too! THESE ARE NOT IN THE GROIN AREA, OR WHERE I THINK THE LYMPH SYSTEM RUNS THRU MY BODY.
I emailed my internist (primary doc) and he called me and said to make an apptmt. this week and he will check it out.


NOTE: several years ago I DID have a soft 'lump' on the top of that same thigh, but mid-way down. My then dermatologist cut it out, biopsied it and it came back as (I think) a "squamous cell _______". The lab report showed that the borders were not 'clear' so she had to take the stitches out and go back in again and cut deeper and wider. I can't remember if she had to do this a third time or not. BUT, the lab report finally showed the borders as "clear" and that was the end of it. I have no idea if these are the same thing or not...
Just as an aside, I have black moles all over my body and have had to have them cut out and biopsied (probably more than 100 in my lifetime)--looking for melanomas--ever since I was 4 or 5.
NEVER had one come back as cancerous! I DO stay completely out of the sun--VERY fair skinned--but, of course, as a kid I got a couple of really bad sunburns--- before our parents learned to use sunscreen on us!
****Just remembered that dermatologist saying that whatever she cut out of my thigh had been caused by previous sun damage! I told her that I NEVER wear shorts, and that my thighs had not been 'exposed to the sun' since '78... but she said it doesn't make any difference--- once you've gotten sun damage/sunburn, it just never goes away, and things like this can happen!
Sorry to hi-jack your question here... but I guess I was meant to see it at this time... hope someone can give me some clues...
Thanks in advance to you all, Mary-madhatter 5/7/11 9:15 am ET

Votes: +1
Inactive 7 May 2011

Madhatterbash, I had those too. They were fatty tumors. They don't need to be removed but I did have one removed for vanity reasons. I guess fatty tumors are easy to check by feel. The doctor said I didn't need a cat scan or mri.

madhattersbash 7 May 2011

Thanks for your response!

Nik.Nikita 7 May 2011

Mel Andre, It could possibly be a calcium deposit, harmless cyst, non cancerous. NIK

Votes: +1
Inactive 7 May 2011

Hi Mel,
Perhaps you should get it looked at, it sounds as if this should not be ignored. But like Laurie said, it could be nothing, yet better safe than sorry!

Votes: +2
Rajive Goel 7 May 2011

Both Laurie & Lara, are right, it is better to see a pro to get his/her advice, take care, be well & above all safe!

LaurieShay 7 May 2011

Hey Mel ander,

Is it painful? Does it seem to be just skin deep or more associated with the knee cap itself?

Maybe it is a cyst which is probably nothing to worry about unless it is painful. It is really hard to tell without seeing it.

Wish I could tell ya more,


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