hi. Im on day 2 + 1/2 withdrawling. jumped at 1 mg sub. per day. begining my mornirgs with no food - just cap of sweet green tea - immediately after wake up exercising for 1 hour (drink water)- to sweat it out. breakfast after shower. that's a perfect start of a day! My medicines: benadryl, clonidin+alprazolam in the AM, oxazepam+clonidine on PM, & zolpidem for sleeping At night ! DONT sleep on the day time! do some stuff/hobby. loperamide if needed. I have barely feel the simptoms! EASY with the pills,take ONLY if you suffering! One of my reasons to stop subs was - F@ing constipation. try to ask someone which didn't tried opiates that : You wanna try some amazing drug that will give fantastic high for 2 days BUT you'll be constipated for another 2-3! he'll response you - f@c off ... the difference is - there is no high from subs!!!
another point: I tapered from 4-6mg to 1mg in 2-3 weeks with no prob. stayed on 1mg a week (+-) How? dont try to get high from it - take 1mg only if necessary/hurts, dont take before bed time
hope that helps someone. shalom!