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What types of birth control work with Orilissa?

Medically reviewed by Philip Thornton, DipPharm. Last updated on Aug 3, 2023.

Official answer


Orilissa (elagolix) is a gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) receptor antagonist used to treat moderate to severe pain associated with endometriosis.

Orilissa may increase the chances of early pregnancy loss, so it should not be taken during pregnancy or while trying to become pregnant.

Use non-hormonal brith control methods with Orilissa

Non-hormonal birth control methods (contraceptives) should be used during treatment with Orilissa and for one week after to prevent pregnancy. Non-hormonal birth control methods include condoms and spermicides.

Orilissa should not be used with hormonal birth control methods, including birth control pills, because estrogen-containing contraceptives can potentially reduce the effectiveness of Orilissa. The effect of progestin-only contraceptives on Orilissa is unknown.

Stop taking Orilissa and contact your doctor if you think you are pregnant

It may be difficult to tell if you have become pregnant while taking Orilissa because it can make you menstrual periods irregular, cause spotting, decrease menstrual bleeding and stop menstrual bleeding altogether. Watch for other pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, weight gain and breast tenderness.

If you think you may be pregnant and are taking Orilissa, you should stop taking Orilissa straight away and contact your doctor.


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