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Adipex-P for Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) User Reviews (Page 2)

Adipex-P has an average rating of 8.9 out of 10 from a total of 523 reviews for the treatment of Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight). 86% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 4% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Adipex-P

  • Mama...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • April 15, 2022

"I've taken Adipex on and off for about 14 years now. Each time it definitely works. It's the only thing that has ever worked for me. I always gain back what I've lost when I stop taking it though, but I've also had 2 back surgeries within the last 8 years that contributed. This time I'm really focusing on changing my eating habits and doing the Paleo diet with the Adipex. So far, I've lost 84 lbs. in a year!! I walk/exercise but have to take breaks when my back acts up. It's more than calorie reduction. You have to eat the right stuff along with the calorie reduction or you'll have cravings and it'll be harder to keep off once you come off it. Stay committed to drinking lots of water. That's a main key. Bottom line, it works but you've got to work with it. You've got to do your part and take it seriously. I've gone from a miserable 256 lbs. to 172 lbs. and I'm aiming for 150 lbs. I was 135 lbs. before I had kids, 20 years ago, so I'm getting close! There is hope! Patience, determination, and commitment."

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61 Report
  • These...
  • June 6, 2017

"At 280 pounds, recently diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, and told to start medications, I turned to my doctor to discuss potential stomach procedures. Well, with 1 kidney, I'm pretty certain Diabetes would eventually cut my life short so why not go through a drastic change? No, instead I asked her for three months to lose 30 pounds, and she suggested I try Adipex/Phentermine 37.5mg. So like many of you, I did, and I instantly felt that sudden feel-good surge of energy. I'm now 10 weeks in and lost 33.5 pounds. Some will read this and many of your posts and instantly think it's a fake review. But honestly, readers, this pill has changed my outlook on life. Give it a shot, it may not work for all, but it may work for you!"

10 / 10
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132 Report
  • Pam
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 31, 2019

"Started the Adipex-P June 4th and it is now July 31st and I’ve lost 35 pounds. I’m now at 180 lb. No complaints about this medication but I wouldn’t advise taking caffeine while on it or you won’t be able to sleep for days. Lost 17 pounds the first month. Helps me feel motivated and I’m able to fall asleep just fine. The first week I wasn’t able to get much sleep but my body soon became used to the medication."

9 / 10
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101 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Alice...
  • April 3, 2014

"I've been on this medicine off and on for 6 months. I've lost about 30 pounds. My cycle is 1 month on and one month off. If you take it more than a month, your body gets used to it. I have found giving the body a rest and allowing the metabolism to adjust without works best for long-term weight loss and maintaining. I started at 180, currently at 150. I get bad side effects, but seeing the scale move and clothes fit motivates me to move on. If you exercise with this medicine, it can make you nauseated and cause vomiting. Exercising first thing in the morning, then taking the medicine, works best to prevent nausea and vomiting. Also, I find it important for users to change eating habits. Suggest clean eating 6 days on, 1 day off."

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171 Report
  • Drano
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 25, 2014

"I started Adipex on 8-18-14, and today is 8-25-14. I am down 8 pounds in a week. I hope this kind of weight loss continues, but I'll have to wait and see. I did experience a little bit of nausea for the first few days, but it wasn't too bad, and dry mouth a little. So far I am pretty pleased."

10 / 10
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165 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • court...
  • September 2, 2014

"I started Adipex a year ago. Lost 50 lbs in 3 mos. Then got pregnant. Had him 2 months ago. And only gained 15 lbs during and lost right away. But I still didn't reach my goal. So I'm on it again. I'm on day 4 and down 5 lbs. I love this pill! Never exercised or dieted before but I'm going to try this time."

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165 Report
  • tripl...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • January 25, 2014

"I have been taking Adipex for about 5-6 years. All I can say is that some of you will feel bad or very bad after taking it but most importantly, it is to take vitamins and minerals along with Adipex. I had back pain, heart racing, and then even felt like my heart stopped for 2 seconds. It was scary but I started to listen to my body. I drank lots of water, ate loads of spinach and leafy greens, and took vitamins constantly. It is also strongly advisable not to eat any meat or heavy meals. Please remember that despite the fact that you get loads of energy, your bowels are sleeping, you can hardly feel any movement in your stomach. Phentermine is blocking the 'hunger center' in your brain. I hope it helps. I have reduced all the side effects I've had."

10 / 10
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172 Report
  • Lmilli
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 8, 2014

"I took phentermine for six weeks and lost 22 pounds. I'm 25 years old. My starting weight was 182 lbs, now I'm 165 lbs. This pill is the best. I've been off for three months and have only gained back five pounds. I will restart again in November."

10 / 10
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155 Report
  • Shotyme
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 27, 2014

"I started on Adipex on Feb 16th. I weighed in at 308 lbs, the heaviest I've ever been. As of March 27th, I am now 260 lbs and going. I run 5 miles every day and have totally changed my lifestyle. Drinking lots of water, I probably go through a case and a half a week. I did experience dry mouth and a serious boost of energy the first day I took it. After that, it's just been dry mouth but hey, I'm accustomed to drinking a ton of water. If you change your lifestyle and hit the gym, it works."

10 / 10
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161 Report
  • big...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 12, 2013

"I just started Adipex 3 days ago. I'm having some insomnia and terrible dry mouth. But I also have mad energy and a little appetite. Adipex is amazing! Compared to having no energy, terrible depression, and feeling like there was no hope, I feel great! Hopefully, this continues - don't give up, there is help out there!"

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162 Report
  • Sarah...
  • October 31, 2016

"Began Adipex on 7/7/16, feeling great about it and a little nervous at the same time. I started out at 233 lbs and I am 5'5'' so I was pretty chunky... a 38.77 on the BMI chart to be exact. Well, I changed the way I ate, I only ate salads, meats, nuts, and Slim Jims for the first week and I lost 12 pounds in 7 days. I cut out all sugary drinks. Haven't touched a drink with sugar in it since the 6th of July, so very proud of myself! Well, to cut this short, I now weigh 183 lbs and I'm still losing even though I'm not on this pill anymore. Just stick to your diet & you'll be good to go! It's hard at first, but I promise you get used to it fast & it just becomes natural!! GOOD LUCK!"

10 / 10
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125 Report
  • ChicK
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 17, 2014

"I started taking Adipex on July 15, and I must say I have definitely seen a difference in my eating habits and it's only been 3 days! Amazing! I was 127 lbs in 2012 and somewhere along the line I lost the will to work out and stay fit. Needless to say, I gained about 35 lbs since then. So, I am giving Adipex a try, and it's doing wonders for my appetite! I experienced dry mouth the first day, and that's the only side effect I have had. I eat yogurt for lunch, and dinner is 2 turkey sandwiches on wheat bread, and I drink 2-3 bottles of water a day. Eating right and exercise are key to helping drop weight quicker! Once you stop taking the pill, you must maintain good eating habits along with exercise, or the weight will come back plus more!"

9 / 10
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149 Report
  • Corfu
  • July 16, 2019

"I am 44 years old and I was 182 pounds 3 months ago. I started diet by myself and I was able to lose 10 pounds. I went down to 172. Then I got stuck. I finally went to my doctor and he prescribed me the Adipex pill. I started last Thursday at 172.5 pounds, exactly 6 days later I am down to 166.6, and it's not even a week yet. I will keep you posted. As for side effects, only the first 2 days I had a light headache, but I am okay now, I am very thirsty. I started walking every day for at least 35 minutes. I still have a problem with my foot, so I go very slowly, but I am trying. So far, I love it. I am not hungry, and I am very careful about what I eat. I eat vegetables, fruits, lots of water, and fish. Sometimes a small piece of grilled chicken. I forget to eat, but I am trying to eat in between veggies or fruits because I don't want to gain all the pounds back once I stop the medication. I will take it for 3 months, so I still have a long way to go. I need to go down to 130, 36.6 pounds to lose."

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89 Report
  • Bloom...
  • January 28, 2020

"I have been on Adipex for two weeks. My doctor suggested it to help me lose some weight. I was 200 pounds at the start. I am now 194 lbs after 2 weeks. I take a half pill a day. I work at a desk all day and would have issues with snacking all afternoon. Now I don't. I force myself to eat some fruit every afternoon or a protein shake. I can't eat a full meal because I feel fuller faster. I have more energy. I have had dry mouth, but drinking water is a big help with that, and I drink a lot more water. I do have some heart racing at times, but the more water I drink, the better that is, which is good because it did throw me into a few panic attacks. No headaches. I did get insomnia the first two nights, but I switched to taking the pill at 10 am instead of noon and that stopped. I started exercising so hope to see more weight drop off. My goal weight is 145, but I am only taking this until my bottle is gone."

8 / 10
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82 Report
  • Kortn...
  • May 5, 2014

"I've been taking Adipex capsules for 1 week now and I am down 11 pounds. I don't exercise. The pill just makes me not want to eat. I have to make myself eat. I also have severe dry mouth, so I drink water way more now. The only other side effect I have is heart flutters. But I can handle that, because it happened to me before I was on Adipex."

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148 Report
  • caeti
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 21, 2015

"I just started taking Adipex. I think so far it's helping me a ton. I'm on a 1000-calorie diet plus Adipex. I'm working out every day. This is my 5th day, and I already lost 6 pounds. Adipex seems to be helping me from overeating, it seems to be helping me curb my cravings. I have no craving for sweets of any kind, so far so good."

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138 Report
  • Blahk...
  • January 15, 2015

"I am 20 years old and I have always had problems with weight loss since I was in middle school. I went to the doctor and was prescribed Adipex. I have been on a low-carb diet, and I have been on Adipex for 9 days now, and have lost 6 pounds so far. I am very happy with the results right now and I'm hoping to keep at it and try to reach my goal weight! I am 5'4, and before I started the diet, I weighed in at 192 lbs, and so far I am down to 186 lbs. My goal weight is 145 to 150 lbs!"

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139 Report
  • jessf...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 12, 2013

"I started taking Adipex in Sept and went in on Dec 7th for my three-month check-in, and I lost 38 pounds. I am 5'8'' and began weighing in at 259, and now I'm down to 221, and this is without including exercise. Walking is part of my daily routine, I walk a lot throughout the day as I'm running between classes and then to go to work. I did experience some side effects the first week, like being lightheaded, dizziness, and a dry mouth. But I use that to increase my water intake. My doctor actually recommended I only take it about 5 days a week so that my body doesn't become so used to it, and that's what I have been doing. So far, so good, and I can't wait to continue losing weight."

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149 Report
  • SJano
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 3, 2021

"Teva changed Adipex formula (no blue dots anymore), and although they say that was the only change, these are worthless. Not only did the cost go up, but they are ineffective. I spent $600 for a 90 supply!!! I have to take 3 whole pills to get any effect, whereas the pills with blue dots, 1 to 1.5 was sufficient. All it does is make my face super hot and makes me super tired. I have called and reported it to Teva also, but nothing is being done. Not okay to do this to consumers and take advantage like this."

1 / 10
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61 Report
  • RoseC
  • January 29, 2016

"This drug is extremely effective. If you're not losing a lot of weight very fast like the more amazing stories you read, you are not taking full advantage of it. It will give you an amazing kick start to a new life that will be very difficult to maintain, and that you must be very committed to, or you need not bother -- because the weight will come back otherwise. Friends & I lost 20 lbs per month, so 6 months is the max length of time you should be using it. After you are finished with it, the real you will reappear, and you will again have to fight all your original demons: hunger pangs, portion control, willpower, laziness. If you can't do that, don't bother to set yourself up for yet another diet failure and heartbreak. OK 2B Hungry :)"

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123 Report
  • Ekram
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 30, 2018

"It hasn’t been a month yet. I started Adipex-P, one tablet daily. I never believed there is such a pill to help me lose weight because I was tired of everything I tried and nothing worked out. Until I started this miracle pill, as I said within 3 weeks, I went down from 190 lbs to 169 lbs, unbelievable! I'm so happy with my results. My goal is to go down to 155 lbs or around. I’m 5’6”."

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90 Report
  • Maddy...
  • August 15, 2016

"I was on Adipex in 2010. I started out at 272 lbs. I was amazed at how much weight I lost every week. I had to buy new pants, jeans, etc. every week. I averaged 8-12 lbs lost per week. I lost 126 lbs in just under 5 months. I was very active, exercised every day, and didn't have the craving for food. I did find that not eating led to headaches and mood changes. You have to eat!"

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115 Report
  • Barba...
  • August 6, 2009

"I was put back on Wellbutrin back in February '09, and I started at 223 lbs. A month later, I went back for a checkup and lost 6 lbs on my own. I then asked about Adipex. The doctor put me on it in March '09. I lost 19 lbs the first month. It is now August '09, and I am down to 159 lbs - below my goal weight of 165 lbs! This is the last month I will be taking Adipex, but I will continue my low-carb, no sugar diet. I also exercise 2-3 times a week at the gym for about 75 minutes. It has really helped me change my lifestyle. There is no magic pill out there! You really have to be dedicated and willing to work hard."

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182 Report
  • Atthe...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 22, 2014

"I was prescribed Adipex on Nov 10, 2014. I weighed 155 pounds. To some that might not seem like a lot, but it was to me. I had tried working out and eating right, and nothing was helping. Today, Dec 22, I weighed 135. I have steadily lost weight since starting it. I skip some days and still feel energetic and not as hungry. The first week on Adipex, I had the worst dry mouth. I couldn't drink enough water. I'm still pretty thirsty, but it's manageable. Drinking water helps the medicine work better. I have also changed my eating habits to use when the pills are up. The first night I didn't sleep, but now I can go to bed no problem. This medication isn't a quick fix, it simply is helping you make lifestyle changes to keep weight off."

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128 Report
  • 48car...
  • July 8, 2016

"I restarted Adipex today. Full dose. I had amazing results 2 years ago. Went off it, but gained 40 lbs back. Unlike some user reviews, I can tell you the weight gain was NOT a result of quitting Adipex. It was poor choices in diet and lack of exercise. I got lazy. But NOT because I quit taking Adipex. I started today because I need help. It is a potent drug. And it will make you not want to eat. EAT ANYWAY. When you don't, you WILL experience mood swings and hostility. The purpose of this drug is to HELP you make better food choices and to get into a good exercise routine. Drink LOTS of water and EAT every three hours. Do some research BEFORE taking this drug. It can be EXTREMELY beneficial if you use it the right way. Good luck all."

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111 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.