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Mirena User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Mirena has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 1,937 reviews on 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 32% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Mirena

  • donki...
  • March 13, 2010

For Birth Control "I've had it for 6 days. I don't have kids, am young compared to most users, and have a tilted uterus. I chose not to use the numbing shot because my doctor said the needle would hurt just as bad as the insertion. I took 400mg of ibuprofen 1 hour before the insertion. It hurt but only for about 20 seconds. I had a kind of reverse contractions for 2 hours. I was directed to take 800mg of ibuprofen. I suggest going #2 before the insertion since it's very painful to do so after. Since insertion I've had minor spotting and very little pain. Do not use a tampon, it's so painful to remove. (I use a diva cup when I go out) Don't be scared off by all of the horrible reviews, most people only write a review when something goes wrong."

9 / 10
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125 Report
  • Cant...
  • January 30, 2013

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had the Mirena inserted 4 months ago. They say that the bleeding is abnormal in the first six months. But really, bleeding for an entire 4 months with just a few days of no bleeding is ridiculous. I am so tired of wearing pads and having to worry about the bleeding. It puts a damper on a lot of things. The bleeding isn't heavy, but it is enough to have to wear a pad constantly. I hope when the 6-month mark hits, this will clear up a little more. The pain is not a problem. I had three kids and had no problem with the pain. It is the bleeding, the constant bleeding, that gets on my last nerve. I will let it roll until the six-month mark and hope for a change."

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104 Report
  • Still...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 23, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "Glad to know I’m not the only one still experiencing spotting. I’ve had like low to heavy spotting for over 8 months now. My ex said the area of me stunk, but we were fighting bad and breaking up. I have a very poor sense of smell but don’t notice an odor, but his comment made me extremely self-conscious. I’ve never had anyone else say I had an odor. I’m going to call my gyno immediately on Monday. After reading comments, I realized side effects are pretty bad. Got weekly acne like I used to get just once a month with my cycle, which used to be like clockwork. Now I bleed heavy one day, brown spotting another day, then no bleeding... no rhyme or reason to it."

5 / 10
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49 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Carle...
  • May 19, 2014

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I've had the Mirena for about 3 1/2 years. At first, I experienced bleeding for about 4-6 months with only a few days of not bleeding in between (like some have said). I got it inserted after I gave birth to my son. After those first months of bleeding passed, my periods became light and only lasted a few days. I love this because before I was a heavy, heavy bleeder! But recently, I've noticed way more acne, along with bleeding (spotting) every 2 weeks. Now all of a sudden, I had a heavy period again along with cramps and the same old stuff! I'm kinda scared because it has always worked extremely well for me! I wonder if all this is because it's getting closer to the 5-year mark! Can anyone relate?"

8 / 10
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94 Report
  • Umhon...
  • June 21, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I have had Mirena for one month and a week… Genuinely, I thought I would be happy with Mirena, but I am not. Every single day is bright red bleeding. I have simply given up and bought in bulk period products from Costco: maxi pads and tampons. I’ve never spent this much money on period products. I know exactly what my OB is going to say: 'Give it the whole 3 months,' just like what she said about the copper IUD… So I am going to get my hemoglobin checked and wait this stupidity out a month or two more. I guess Mirena is doing her duty 100% because I am not having sex with my husband, thus cannot get pregnant, which is the whole point! No acne, no cramps, no sex. No cramps is nice, I guess, but I just get surprise bleeding, yay. I’ve bled on 3/4ths of my panties and leaked on my bed like 5x just because that’s how heavy the blood is."

1 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • May 21, 2009

For Birth Control "Had my Mirena inserted about 2 weeks ago. I am 22 and haven't had any kids. I wanted an alternative to the pill as I've been on it for 6 years. I have to say that I was pretty nervous after reading so many bad comments. I was on the 3rd day of my period and, for me, the insertion hurt like a couple of pinches and a really bad cramp that gave me all hot and made me nauseous. But it only took about 10 minutes, and then it was okay. The rest of the day I had fairly strong cramps but nothing unbearable. The next day I felt back to normal. My period lasted another couple of days and stopped like normal. Since then, I have had very minor spotting with an odd little cramp here and there. Very happy so far."

8 / 10
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123 Report
  • Danie...
  • February 24, 2014

For Birth Control "Alright ladies, my experience with Mirena entails no gruesome or terrifying stories that will make you run for the hills. My experience with Mirena has been fairly good. I got Mirena approximately 6 months ago. Beforehand I was entirely frightened due to the horrible reviews that people post on the internet. But let me just straighten this out. Some people do have bad experiences but those people are the ones who feel obligated to narrate their story to the world. So I'll be the one to write something positive. Slight pain during the insertion, nothing worse than cramps. A month of irregular bleeding. Only to be followed by four months of glorious period-free time. I occasionally get spotting but it isn't anything bad at all."

9 / 10
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92 Report

More FAQ

  • Court...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 3, 2014

For Birth Control "While I enjoy not having a period and knowing I am protected from pregnancy without having to take a pill every day, I am having my Mirena removed Thursday. I have only had it for 6.5 months, and in that time I have had a constant dull back pain, uncontrollable acne, and I have also gained 25 pounds. Mirena is just not for me."

5 / 10
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86 Report
  • CRGL1...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 1, 2014

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had Mirena placed a couple of weeks ago for major Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding, with moderate Endometrial Hyperplasia (14mm), and Iron Deficiency Anemia with megaloblasts. I was bleeding for 3 months straight. I was soaking through Ultra absorbency tampons every hour the week of getting the Mirena. I had it placed on a Wednesday, and by Friday, my bleeding had almost completely stopped. I have not had any spotting since. The insertion felt like a quick cramp and a fluttery feeling as the Mirena was being placed, not painful. I was very uncomfortably crampy that evening. But so far, moods are good, energy is coming back. My normal headaches are gone. I probably won't need a blood transfusion. I am liking this Mirena!"

10 / 10
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89 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 2, 2021

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had Mirena in January 2021 for heavy bleeding. I’m still bleeding. Most of the first 50 days of bleeding was light. Then I had about a week of no bleeding and thought, oh, maybe this thing is going to work. Nope, I am bleeding again, but heavier and with clots. Bad headaches from it too, I think. I scheduled to have an ablation. Has anyone else tried that? I feel like I’m going to end up having a hysterectomy. I’m definitely not liking Mirena."

1 / 10
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39 Report
  • Durba...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 17, 2019

For Birth Control "I almost backed out of getting the Mirena because of these women on YouTube being so 'fear mongering' and, quite frankly, just scaring people. It is 2 days since I got it in, and I'm sore, and yes, it was really crampy, but I just wanted to say: Don't over-read like I did on the internet. Everyone's cervix and uterus is different, everyone has different pain levels. My pain tolerance is high (I've had spine procedures while awake), I've had wicked period cramps, and my NP said my 'perfect cervix' made the insertion extremely smooth. With all that said, did it hurt? Kinda. Was it uncomfortable? Yup. Was it painful? No. I'm sore, but I've barely bled, which is another plus, and I think a week from now I will be even more happy that I got it done! My point is - don't over-read. People tend to only post negative experiences online, but this is something that is already stressful enough. I don't think it's right to scare women before they get it done (and no, I've never had children)."

8 / 10
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50 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 20, 2010

For Birth Control "I first would like to thank all of you that posted comments. After reading them, I felt I'm not alone. It's not just happening to me, there is nothing wrong with me. I'm 34, with one child and had Mirena for 5 months. The insertion was almost painless and the first month was fine. Right now, I have gained 10 lbs, loss of sex drive, have headaches, back pain, insomnia, constipation, hair loss and general depression - OF COURSE that's going to cause to have mood swings. I'm waiting on an appointment to have it removed. ANOTHER IMPORTANT ASPECT is that I had suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of my child 4 years ago and honestly I was worried that these side effects (especially depression) were a sign that I was still not okay."

3 / 10
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  • Sydne...
  • May 28, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I got the coil to help with heavy bleeding. It went horribly from the start. I’d read it could be painful to get put in and varied from person to person, and an ibuprofen was recommended beforehand, which I took, however, the pain, which was described as a pinch, felt more like I’d been stabbed. The most nauseating cramps I’d ever gotten enveloped me - worst pain I’ve ever felt (only 19, by the way). I was in bed for the rest of the day because the cramps were so severe and constant. They continued for two weeks after. Immediately after inserting it, I began to bleed lightly - this continued on for a year nonstop aside from two days here and there. After three months, I had a check-up, and they assured me it was normal and would stop. I went traveling, hoping for the best and willing to give it a year, but last week marked a year, and the bleeding was still continuous. So I finally got it removed. That actually felt like a pinch and was much better than insertion."

1 / 10
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44 Report
  • total...
  • January 20, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am 42 years old. I have uterine fibroids which, for the past few years, have caused excessive bleeding during my periods. It was miserable. So, my doctor suggested the Mirena IUD. It emits the tiniest amount of progesterone (something that I was apparently lacking) and thins the uterine lining, which would greatly reduce my bleeding. Insertion was very painful for me. But I have never had kids. There were a few months of adjustment. I experienced quite a bit of body aches - my lower back, hips, legs, and feet. That all went away. My periods are very light now, and my life is back to normal. It is now January, and I feel great! So glad I did it."

9 / 10
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  • Jhrhcm
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 21, 2020

"This... omg, this has been enlightening. 1.) 30+ lbs. I have gained almost 50 lbs, but I lost almost 20 again. I have literally been working so hard to lose weight. 2.) Acne? Yes! Bad, bad cystic acne. 3.) Pain, tingling, weakness, and numbness on one side of my body. 4.) Infections. 5.) Mood swings/depression. 6.) Cramping/bloating. 7.) Stomach pain. 8.) Pain/cramping after sex. 9.) Low birth weight/premature birth of my daughter. 10.) I am honestly shocked, devastated, and determined to remove it after finding out this is all from Mirena. This is my 3rd Mirena, and I went from the 120s to the 170s and now am back to the 160-ish. I have been through so much with this, it’s unreal. Don’t do it."

2 / 10
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41 Report
  • Cris
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 10, 2020

For Birth Control "7 months since insertion. Pros: no pregnancy so far, don’t have to remember to take pills or shots, etc., no condoms. Cons: irregular, erratic bleeding, cramping, back pain, damn near growing a beard, no sex drive (and my husband is hot), weight gain, depression, anxiety, angry all the time, no motivation, a deep desire to lay in bed and sleep all day, every day, months of bleeding, an altered sense of my normal reality. Overall: I hate it!!! I want to feel like me again, but the doc keeps saying to wait it out. What am I waiting for?.... complete loss of confidence and self-worth?"

4 / 10
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  • Jean...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • October 31, 2013

For Birth Control "This is Jean's husband. Jean had this device inserted many years ago. She was NEVER informed of its risks or how long until it should be removed. She has had severe cramps for years. We (I) have informed every doctor and emergency room she has gone to about the device. They all ignored the info. Yesterday she was taken to the hospital. She had severe chest pains. All cardio tests came back negative. Today they transferred her to ICU because her temperature kept spiking. They did blood work and found out she has a massive infection running through her body. She is being bagged and they are flushing her system to try and get rid of the infection. An OB-GYN came in and tried to find the 'string' to remove this contraption. I will know more soon."

1 / 10
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82 Report
  • Sherry
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • December 15, 2020

For Birth Control "Soon after I had Mirena inserted, I began getting migraines and episodes of dizziness. I stuck it out since I was relieved to finally not have incredibly painful, heavy periods. Aside from developing some cystic acne and those occasional migraines/dizzy episodes, things were going relatively okay. Nine months later, I started to develop panic attacks and extreme anxiety. I have a dull headache every day. I am dizzy nearly all of the time, I have developed some facial hair, and my hair is falling out of my scalp. I have insomnia. This is incredibly frustrating to me as my GP keeps writing it off as 'general anxiety.' I did not have these issues before Mirena. I was previously incredibly active, adventurous, and enjoyed cycling, jogging, hiking. Now, I am afraid to do anything because of how dizzy I am and the intense anxiety I now experience. I just hope once I have this removed, I can return to my normal self. I haven't felt like 'me' in nearly a year, and it is getting really tough."

3 / 10
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37 Report
  • My...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 21, 2014

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "At 51, I have uterine fibroids and was experiencing super heavy bleeding for months at a time. My doctor recommended Mirena and I unenthusiastically agreed to it because my other choice was a hysterectomy. When younger, I had a terrible experience with the pill (made me really depressed, which otherwise I am not). I had Mirena inserted 4 months ago and love it. I put on a bit of weight at the beginning, which I have mostly lost already. The heavy bleeding is gone. I still wear a pad because I spot once in a while, but before I was using Depend because the bleeding was SO HEAVY. My mood is okay, no depression or any similar symptoms. No acne. Insertion is painful but quick. The discomfort goes away immediately. So far, Mirena is okay for me."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • Life-...
  • September 19, 2014

For Birth Control "I love, love, love Mirena. I had my first one put in when I was 21 due to debilitating periods, and I hadn't had any kids. Not going to lie - the pain was truly horrible upon insertion, and I did cramp for weeks afterwards, but after that cleared up 5 years of no periods changed my life. I just had my second one put in yesterday and it was nowhere near as traumatic as the first time since my hormones had leveled out. I HIGHLY recommend it for women who don't want/can't take high estrogen birth control or would like to stop their periods safely. It's been absolutely life-changing for me, and I hope Mirena and other IUD's continue to gain popularity as people see how great they really can be."

10 / 10
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76 Report
  • bestm...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 23, 2015

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I've had this for over 9 weeks, no side effects, didn't make me moody or anything, except I've been bleeding nonstop, switches from light spotting to almost like postpartum bleeding! I'm giving it another month or so and if this bleeding doesn't stop, then I'm getting this out! The reason this birth control works is because it refrains you from having sex because you're constantly bleeding."

6 / 10
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72 Report
  • KANash
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 19, 2019

For Birth Control "I had the Mirena taken out after a year. I wish I would have never gotten an IUD, and I wouldn't advise anyone to do so. It's been a month since I had it taken out and still do not feel normal. My main side effect is/was extreme fatigue and vision issues. My hair has started to fall out, and my back hurts all the time. I also have had pelvic pain that feels like contractions from labor. I have seen multiple doctors about my fatigue, and they all make me feel like I'm making this up because all my labs and tests come back normal. They try to say maybe it's just anxiety. :( So I'm praying in a couple more weeks to months I feel completely back to normal. It's sad to think an IUD can cause symptoms like this and make you feel like something is BAD wrong with your body. Hope this helps anyone suffering from the same symptoms."

1 / 10
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43 Report
  • Momx
  • March 3, 2020

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I got the Mirena after my first baby. I didn’t think it was awful to have inserted, but it was a little achy and felt pressure for a few weeks after. But then I loved it and loved not having periods. No problems for 3 years, and then I started having vaginal itching and a smell down there like mashed potatoes. I also had brown spotting that didn’t seem to want to stop. The doctor gave me a pack of birth control pills and told me to take 4 at once, it made me nauseous as anything, but it stopped the bleeding. After the second baby, I got the Mirena again, and now at 2 years on the second Mirena, I’m starting to have vaginal itching again with a sour vaginal smell. I’m also having thick flesh-colored discharge coming out in clumps. I actually think it’s the mucous membranes from my uterus lining coming out without blood, if that’s even possible. I’ve noticed having leg cramps too. All in all, I love Mirena and have no regrets and will continue to use it until either my husband or I get fixed."

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Thank...
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • August 21, 2023

For Heavy Menstrual Bleeding "I am 53 and a half, and last November 2022, I finally got the Mirena. My non-stop heavy bleeding was due to the hormones in perimenopause. I am so happy I got it, and finally, after 4 months, the bleeding settled down. I still have other symptoms, but having the debilitating bleeding under control has given me some control. I really thought it was going to get better around 52, but no, I'm one of the late menopausal. Do not suffer, get the Mirena!"

10 / 10
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14 Report
  • MCH
  • June 1, 2014

For Birth Control "I am a huge fan. I read a lot of negative reviews prior to deciding, and promised myself that if I loved it, I would share! I got it 1.25 years ago. I got it for contraception, as I haven't had any children. Painless procedure - just pressure. Bad cramping for the rest of the day - I would take Panadol before going in next time so that it would kick in earlier. I would also advise having the day off work. After day one, it's been great! Smooth sailing. I get my period for about 2 days very lightly once every 5 months. And amazingly pain-free (used to get bad cramps). No weight gain or loss. No hair loss. No nausea. Better skin! So, I am an advocate. Good luck."

10 / 10
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75 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.