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Butrans User Reviews & Ratings

Butrans has an average rating of 6.2 out of 10 from a total of 228 reviews on 51% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 28% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Butrans

  • Kim
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 23, 2020

For Chronic Pain "The nice thing about buprenorphine patch is you don't have to take pills. But I have had more patches that don't stick on than do stick. Usually, I need tape to make it stay on. I have lost patches without knowing and then I have nothing on for pain. My doctor started me on the lowest dose, 5 mcg, for naive opioid users. I wasn't naive to opioids, and he knew that. I was forced off all pain medication for about a week. It was torture - the pain. Then having to use the lowest dose for 2 months. He finally went up to 10 mcg. It isn't relieving my pain. I went back after 2 months. I asked about increasing. My doctor said see you in 3 months - with no adjustments. I have been in horrible pain, substituting otc pain medication around the clock. I feel as my doctor wants to please the DEA more than help me. When I go back, I will give him the opinion of taking me off, leaving his practice if I must because I have done nothing but suffer from the time I started buprenorphine."

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176 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 10, 2011

For Pain "This patch is the best thing to happen to me since I hurt my back. It gives me freedom from living my life based on prescriptions. No more worrying about running out of pills, or waking up in the middle of the night just to take a pill because I start to go through withdrawals. (I am not talking about puking in the toilet, curled up on the floor withdrawals. I mean the awkward feeling and leg twitches that wake me up). I work 12-hour shift work 3 to 4 days a week, and the fact is I need more pills on some days. It was a constant worry having to balance my pain, work, life, and pill intake so I wouldn’t run out. I still need oxycodone for “breakthrough pain” but I do need to take just a few to feel comfortable. If I have a day off work and only need one pill, I don’t have to take more later. If you have just started taking them, give them some time to kick in, it took a week or so for me to realize it was really working, after two months I realized the overall impact on my life. The freedom from a pill bottle is the main benefit, and I am sure other chronic pain sufferers can relate. I read these blogs all the time, to research and gather information about new medicines my doctor wants to try. I have never felt the need to share until this point. Hope it helps somehow."

10 / 10
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361 Report
  • Steve
  • February 22, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I’ve dealt with chronic upper level back pain for 13 years and have had two back surgeries. Throughout most of this time I’ve been maintained on hydrocodone but developed problems with tolerance, and I very much suspect I’ve also developed hyperalgesia, which is when long-term use of opioids makes you more sensitive to pain in general. I was at the point of barely being able to function. I found Butrans about two years ago. It's totally turned me around. I went from pain and fatigue level of 8 down to 1-2. The Butrans patch is nothing short of a miracle. Butrans helps with not just pain and fatigue but also with my depression. I’ve been on the same dose of Butrans patch of 10mcg for two years now, so I’ve not had tolerance issues, which I’ve read Butrans is unique in that way of not having tolerance build-up problems. No side effects whatsoever either. My life would be pure hell without it. Relieves pain way better than any narcotic I’ve been on."

10 / 10
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188 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 30, 2015

For Pain "So far, Butrans has been a lifesaver. I've been on every nerve medication and painkiller for the past 6 years. I was taking 10 Oxycodone every day just to stay functional. First day on the patch, I didn't think it was going to work. The next day I woke up almost pain-free for the first time in years. It made me realize how bad my pain had actually been. Butrans has been nothing short of a miracle for me. No more pills (except Mobic). No more rollercoaster of highs and lows of pain medicines. Just relief. It's only week 2, but the difference is amazing. Some minor side effects, little sleepy, subtle headache, but that's about it. I feel almost 100% normal again. I honestly had almost forgotten what normal felt like. Thanks, Butrans!"

10 / 10
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206 Report
  • Happy...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 8, 2014

For Pain "Had back surgery in 2000. 3 rods, 6 screws, and bone put in L4 L5 S1. Had severe pain for 12 years. No sleep (3 1/2 to 5 hours a night). No energy, seldom in a good mood because of the pain. Sometimes down for 3 weeks at a time. Began Butrans 10 mcg last year and man, what a difference. First week was getting 7 hours of sleep and pain level went from 10 to 1 or 2. It has been that way for the last 11 months. Now getting blisters and rash at the application site. Going to see the doctor this week. Hope he doesn't take me off. Really not looking forward to the return of a painful life."

10 / 10
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219 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • September 7, 2011

For Pain "I have had pain from 2 ruptured discs and spondylolisthesis for the past 9 years. I used to be very athletic (running, lifting weights, yoga, biking, etc.) and I had to give all of that up. That would have been okay if it had relieved the pain, but it didn't. I've spent the last 9 years on Hydrocodone, Tramadol, Flexeril, and others. I had given up on having any quality of life. That was until I found Butrans. I have been on it for about a month, and for the first time in as long as I can remember, my back does not hurt. I am sleeping through the night. I do not feel drugged out (like Vicodin) and have no side effects. Not one. This medicine is a miracle."

10 / 10
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241 Report
  • dogpa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2013

For Pain "When the doctor gave me these patches, I had a 'yeah right' attitude. I am stunned! I applied the first patch and 3 days later, I had significant pain relief! I just applied my 2nd patch and I am able to resume doing a lot of things I haven't done in years. I had side effects at first: sleepiness, shakiness, and severe nausea, but they passed within the first week. I am amazed and pleased at the effectiveness of these patches."

9 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Wasto...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 29, 2014

For Chronic Pain "I was scared to try this but saw these reviews... I want to thank you all for easing my mind! I finally tried Butrans and am so thankful this exists. I have been on pain medication for a couple of years. I was so tired of the constant ups and downs that seemed to come in shorter and shorter intervals. This patch works great! I'm in less pain, sleep better, and am finally getting off the couch and doing some things."

10 / 10
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182 Report
  • Maximus
  • December 3, 2013

For Pain "After my injury turned from acute to chronic, my doctor prescribed a 10 mcg patch. I was very skeptical since a patch seems very non-traditional, but I gotta say it worked terrific. You put the patch on once a week and forget about pain/pills till the next week. So effective and convenient that multiple times I have forgotten to change it after a week. Only downside is no hot tub/baths and no direct sunbathing, a bummer when you live on the CA coast! Also no tolerance issues, was on the same dose with the same results for 2 years."

10 / 10
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192 Report
  • Fyl...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 12, 2014

For Pain "I have been on pain medicines since 1987 and had an injury. I went through it all the way up to Lorcet. Then when they found out I had a liver condition, they switched me over to Butrans. About 30 minutes after taking it, I was out of pain, but I was also in a newer state of mind. On my previous painkillers, I assumed they were working. But with Butrans, once it hit me, I was VERY aware of being on a narcotic. NO pain and a nice buzz on the side. Thank You to Butrans."

10 / 10
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180 Report
  • Slxtr
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 14, 2016

For Pain "I have been on Butrans for about a week. Dealing with pain in my lower back for 25 years. Have received epidural shots in my L5 S1 area to no help. Was referred to a pain clinic. Was given a script for Butran 5mcg/1 hour. For the first time in 25 years I've had no pain. This has been a godsend. No side effects, no anything. I keep waiting for the pain to come back and it does not. I actually sleep now, can do more activities around the house than I could before, I'm not cranky anymore because of being in pain. So far, no breakthrough pain. Hope I don't get that. All I can say is YIPPEE, I'm pain-free."

10 / 10
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139 Report
  • Dad
  • November 4, 2019

For Pain "This is simply an awful drug that is shockingly being misrepresented as a frontline pain management drug versus a rehabilitation drug. Doctors are being either scared or bullied into writing scripts for this trash and people like myself with MS, 11 invasive surgeries including multiple cervical fusions, multiple thoracic disc replacements, and one of my fusions is broken. Furthermore, in my case, it was equitably compared to a fentanyl patch in performance. It was my pharmacy that actually told me what it was and how it would, or more so would not, work. I had no titration down from 100 Morphine Equivalents and was started on a patch of 7.5 mcg. This medicine is so misunderstood that when I went into withdrawal, then became dehydrated from the bowel distress and vomiting, our little hospital didn't know what to do and was too scared to help on a Sunday afternoon. IF GIVEN THE CHOICE, please don't agree to it and save yourself a ton of unneeded misery. Best of luck and find a doctor you trust."

1 / 10
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91 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 10, 2012

For Pain "Fantastic, at first. I received relief from fibro pain throughout my body and some rheumatoid arthritis pain. (Oddly, I did experience a new pain in the very center of my lower back after beginning Butrans). Once I increased to 20 mcg, after 2 days of applying the new patch, I would vomit, have nausea and headache. Then, my depression got so bad, almost to the point of hospitalization. Butrans did help with my pain, but the side effects were just too much."

8 / 10
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166 Report
  • Nichole
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 19, 2020

For Chronic Pain "Been on Percocet 10mg/325 for 4 years. I withdrew off of them, and the doctor prescribed me the Butrans 5mg patch. I've had it on for about 24 hours, and so far, I worked a 12-hour shift with pain I can tolerate. I read it can take longer to get into your system. I had to get the generic, and when I shower, I cover it. I used alcohol to clean the skin before applying. So far, I'm liking it, but it does itch. Better than building up a tolerance to Percocet like I was. I suffer from arthritis from my neck to back, bulging discs, degenerative disc disease throughout my entire back, bone spurs in my spine, and fibromyalgia. I'm 28 years old. Went through heaps of drama to get the patch with pre-authorizations and finding a pharmacy that had it in stock."

7 / 10
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80 Report
  • Just...
  • September 24, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I've been on Percocet & Morphine for years. I chose to get off the Morphine myself. My doc prescribed the Butrans 10mg patch. It is now day 7, and for the first time in years, I have slept through the night. I feel more motivated, and most of all, engaged. I took my dog for a walk last night for the first time in a long time. Just small changes I've noticed, but most of all in my mood. I cannot express enough how I feel, this is going to change my life. With the deaths of opioid abuse rising, I don't want to be a part of that statistic. I do not want to continue the pain pills any longer because I can be honest here and say I'm addicted, and I need to change that vicious cycle. I am looking at future back surgery but will address that road when I get to it. But, in the meantime, being only on day 7, I can tell you that although it may take a couple of days for it to work, give it a chance. So far, this medication just may be the silver lining I've been waiting for."

9 / 10
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81 Report
  • Nurse...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 21, 2017

For Chronic Pain "I am a nurse and I am also a med student. I have been in chronic pain for 5 years. My average daily pain without meds is 9/10. I did 5 rounds of shots, the 2nd round almost destroyed my life and my pain had new manifestations. Tried chiropractic, great for 90 days then decline. Finally one day the pharmacist surprised me with Butrans. I didn't even know they sent it over! I put it on and within 3 hours I recognized I was in pain, but I just didn't care about the pain. The next morning and from then on I have been completely pain-free! It's like nothing I've experienced before. I'm not foggy like with other drugs, I actually feel mentally sharper and my performance supports that, but I'm literally not experiencing pain! I HIGHLY recommend it!"

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108 Report
  • Pappy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 7, 2020

For Chronic Pain "My wife has suffered from chronic pain for years. We have been through the regular pain management routines that physicians are trained to perform, for example, injections, pain pills, physical therapy, muscle relaxers. Butrans gave our family life again. I forgot she was sick. It also helped with her depression and mental illness. You will build a tolerance to it as years pass and it seems to start losing strength around the fifth day. It is definitely worth trying. Expensive without insurance though."

10 / 10
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73 Report
  • cccj
  • August 14, 2016

For Pain "I have been on 4 Norco 10 mg for a few years now, and last week my pain management doctor prescribed me the 10 mg Butrans patch to go along with my Norco. I went in to see him and explained how the Norco wasn't lasting me all day. I was wanting him to up my dose of Norco to 5 a day, but instead he prescribed me the Butrans patch. I got the script filled and gave it a try, really not believing it would work, but today I really could tell it was... this is my fourth day on the patch and also my first day off. For the past year and a half, my days off I run back and forth to the couch trying to get comfortable from my pain and not able to sleep. I got up after 11 uninterrupted hours sleep feeling the best I have in years! NO pain! Butrans works!"

8 / 10
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110 Report
  • desbibb
  • July 8, 2014

For Chronic Pain "Butrans changed my daily living. I loved what it's done for me so much that I have 2 other friends suffering and their doctors have them on it now too. The only thing I don't like is the prickly itchy feeling but, after reading some of these reviews I may talk to my doctor about their suggestions. Also, I find that after the first 3 days I have had little to no side effects. I am sometimes able to push my days out to 8 as long as I don't overdo the week. Otherwise, I am ready by midday of the 6th day and will often change it the very eve so that by my 7th day I'm back up and running. Hope this review helps, I know when I went on it, the reviews were helpful to me. Thanks Butrans for my life! If you have pain, Butrans works."

8 / 10
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130 Report
  • Dervla
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • September 9, 2016

For Pain "So I have been on the Butrans patch 10 microgram/hour for the last 5 months. I took anti-sickness tablets so I had no sick feeling or any side effects at all. It has been a godsend, this patch. I'm in no pain, I noticed in 4 days... I'm from Ireland. I fell and fractured my back in 5 places, I was in severe pain with my back and spasms which left me sleeping in a chair for 3 months. Since I came on the patch, I'm back in my bed. So, this patch is the best ever in my opinion. Anyways, hope this helps someone. I'm a 25-year-old girl from Ireland."

10 / 10
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103 Report
  • Kat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 2, 2019

For Chronic Pain "I have CIDP (Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy) and was in severe pain in my arms and legs. Tried a high dose of tramadol for a year until the pain didn’t respond at all. Pain scale was 8-9. Prescribed Butrans, and my pain was down to 3 on the 2nd day and a 2 on day 3. By day six, the pain crept back to 5. Started a new patch, and the pain reduced to 2 again by the end of the first day. This medication is a MIRACLE for me! I have my life back."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Mommy
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • October 29, 2019

For Pain "I have been on the Butrans patch for 5 years. I started at 15 mcg and moved up over the years to 20 mcg. I have interstitial cystitis (IC), a painful bladder condition. I have to admit the patch did help me with pain, but my condition requires constant surgeries to maintain. What they don’t tell you about being on the patch long term is the way the patch works (look it up and read for yourself). It blocks pain relievers like morphine and fentanyl (protagonists-antagonists) that they use after surgery for pain management. I had a full hysterectomy while keeping the patch on per my pain management recommendations—a huge mistake! I woke up after surgery basically screaming because they could not get me out of pain. It was, to say the least, the worst experience of my life! While I understand we are all different and each body works with medication differently, if you have a condition that requires frequent surgeries, read up on Butrans and discuss it with your doctor in-depth before you go under."

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65 Report
  • Davy
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • January 2, 2020

For Chronic Pain "I've now been on a 15 mcg Butrans patch for 6 months with some good relief for permanent nerve damage in both legs. However, I've noticed that the patch basically becomes non-effective on day 5, and I start having withdrawals. I'm 22 years old and drive daily with the patch. I only notice tiredness after 11 PM, so it suits my working life fine. I'm going to my doctor to talk about getting put on a 20 mcg patch and a 5-day change. Constipation, nausea, and loss of appetite have been side effects for me, but it hands down beats any oral tablet. I'd rather be on a patch as opposed to taking tablets due to liver damage over long-term usage. For nerve damage, amitriptyline was the best relief I've ever had with brilliant sleep and pain relief. However, I experienced fibrillation and irregular heartbeats, so I had to come off them. Stay safe and always consult with your doctor or medical person in charge."

8 / 10
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62 Report
  • Anonymous
  • December 29, 2011

For Pain "I had back surgery a year and a few months ago for a ruptured L5 that was causing severe pain in my lower back and down my leg. The surgery was not a success, and I am worse now than I was. I tried injections, had nerves catheterized, and physical therapy, none of which helped. My dose of Norco's just kept getting higher and higher to where they couldn't give me anymore and be able to perform my job. My doctor put me on the Butrans patches and the relief I get is absolutely amazing. Very seldom do I have to take the Norco's. I started on the 10 mg and now am at 20 mg. Like others, my only complaint is about day 5 or 6, they start wearing off then it takes a day for a new patch to start to work. Overall, they have made my life more comfortable than it has been."

9 / 10
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125 Report
  • Jacqui...
  • April 20, 2011

For Pain "I am 25. I started using Butrans 3 weeks ago. It has been a lifesaver. I started taking it for pain after wanting to stop popping the Percocets. I was optimistic, but honestly didn't have much faith in it. To my surprise, the Butrans has relieved my pain since day 1. If I do something that aggravates my back such as standing or walking for extended periods of time, then I get some back pain, but it's really nothing compared to what I am used to. I am very thankful for having found out about this patch. It has influenced my life in so many positive ways so far. I was frustrated physically and emotionally prior to starting Butrans, I feel much happier now. My pain is from spinal reconstruction to correct severe scoliosis in 2008."

10 / 10
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129 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.