Sodium phosphate (Ingredient)
Chemical formula: H2NaO4P
Drugbank ID: DB09449
ATC codes: A06AD17, B05XA09, A06AG01
The information below refers to products available in the United States that contain sodium phosphate.
Products containing sodium phosphate
sodium phosphate systemic
Drug classes: laxatives, minerals and electrolytes
Sodium phosphate systemic is used in the treatment of:
Multi-ingredient medications containing sodium phosphate
bisacodyl/sodium biphosphate/sodium phosphate systemic
Brand names: Fleet Prep Kit 2, Fleet Prep Kit 1, Fleet Prep Kit 3
Drug class: laxatives
potassium phosphate/sodium phosphate systemic
Brand names: Phospha 250 Neutral, PHOS-NaK, K-Phos Neutral, K-Phos M.F., K-Phos No. 2
Drug class: minerals and electrolytes
Potassium phosphate/sodium phosphate systemic is used in the treatment of:
sodium biphosphate/sodium phosphate systemic
Brand names: Fleet Enema, Disposable Enema, OsmoPrep, Fleet Phospho Soda, Visicol
Drug class: laxatives
Sodium biphosphate/sodium phosphate systemic is used in the treatment of:
Chemical structure
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.