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Maxalt Questions

Displaying 9 questions associated with Maxalt.

How often can you take Maxalt?

How long does it take for Maxalt to work?

How does Maxalt work and what is it used for?

Does Maxalt have caffeine in it?

Tramadol, flexeril, phenergan for migraines - anyone else used these?

I was just prescribed tramadol, flexeril, and phenergan for my migraine headaches. Has anyone else used these medications to relieve migraines? I have debilitating migraines and I've tried every medication used specifically for this condition. To name a few... Imitrex, Frova, Treximet, Maxalt,... read more

Is it ok to take Maxalt and then exercise? Any side effects?

Daughter is a college athlete and has been prescribed Maxalt for her headaches. Wondering if there are any side effects to watch for if taking Maxalt before a exercise work out?

Which medication should I use for migraine headaches?

What if Maxalt 10mg has been expired for 8 months to a year, is it safe to still take?

My son suffers from migraines. He hasn't had one in over a year. He was prescribed Maxalt 10mg but it is now expired. Is it safe to take it if it's been expired for 8 months to a year?

My migraines are horrific, imitrex maxalt or botox? Ive had worse after imitrex as well as botox?

I HOPE NOBODY HAS MY PAIN! m trying to not take anything other than 800 mgs ibuprofen, but does anyone recommend if days of "wobbly neck"= after botox hurts? Imitrex if not caught in time=4mgs, maxault 20 mgs CANNOT CONSUME BOTH IMITREX AND MAXALT PLEASE DONT AND HOPE YOU ALL ARE HAPPY... read more

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