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Dilantin Questions

Displaying 6 questions associated with Dilantin.

What can cause low dilantin levels?

in e.r. last night dilantin level was below 2.5 had a seizure

Has anyone changed from dilantin to keppra and what were the results?

My new neurologist wants me to make the change due to bone health issues. I'm hesitant to make the change because I've been on dilantin (and phenobarbitol) for 40+ years and seizure-free for 37 years. I have osteoporosis, but my bone density level has increased 10% over the last year.

Will these test + for anything on urine test? Cymbalta, Dilantin, Strattera, Abilify & Neurontin?

I am aware of what conditions these prescribed meds are for; I need to know if any will test positive or false positive for Benzo's, opiates, meth, thc, or cocaine. Thanks

Does Keppra have sexual side effects?

My boyfriend has been on Dilantin for seizures for years, and was given a Rx for Keppra recently. Since then, he has not been able to hold an erection and believes this is related to the Keppra. Please respond with your research if there is any other alternative medication that will not affect his... read more

I’m worried about taking phenytoin/Dilantin too long?

I’ve been taking phenytoin for about 20 years or so for 2 seizures I had 20 years ago. I don’t have a neurologist anymore because mine retired so my regular doctor just gives it to me. I also have bad anxiety for which I go to a psychiatrist. I take gabapentin, Klonopin, Lexapro and... read more

What are the causes of fluctuation in phenytoin levels when taking meds as prescribed?

pat also takes lamotrigene, aspirin, vit D, calcium carbonate. Lipitor, lorazapem prn/depression and pain meds phenytoin and or Dilantin levels are sometimes high, normal and low but most often low. blood sugars are slightly elevated about 50% of the time pt also has syncope, orthostatic hypotension

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Epilepsy, Seizures

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