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Results for 'Vicodin Pain Knee Pain Management Percocet Management'

Can I take Aleve for pain management after knee replacement surgery?

I have not been taking any hydrocodon for a full week.

Pain Management and Social Drinking Question?

I am with a new pain management group and I guess didn't realize how strict they have become about alcohol use. I... read more

Yellow tablets vs white tablets?

What is the difference between yellow, round Percocet 10/325 vs white, round Percocet 10/325? I've worked in pain... read more

Can my primary care doctor treat me for my pain management. my pain is intractable (nothing can be?

... done). I take oxycontine 80mg 2xs a day and oxycodone 6xs a day. I have been on this medication for 8 yrs. My pcp is willing but fears it may... read more

Is there any recourse for being dismissed from pain management or if I can go out of state?

I was recently dismissed from pain management after one year, because when they did my pill count one week in to a new... read more

Long term side effects of Lyrica and tramadol for pain management in fibromyalgia?

I am a fibromyalgia sufferer in Australia and have been diagnosed 3+ years ago and am now aged 59. I take a myriad of medications and have had to... read more

If I am allergic to CODEINE, but perscribed oxycodone/ percocet am I able to take this medicine?

ok I take oxycodone/ Percocet and have for several years, I have never been able to take hydrocodone or loratabs because I have a highly... read more

Why can't I donate blood plasma since I'm on hydrocodone for pain management?

I went to donate blood plasma last week, and during the medical exam I told them I was in pain management. I had to show... read more

Pain management after surgery in the middle of the ‘opioid crisis’. What to do?

I need to have multiple orthopedic surgeries, but friends and some doctors are telling me to postpone them because I won’t get... read more

Can a pharmacist ask for a diagnosis and refuse to fill prescription?

Can a pharmacist ask what your diagnosis is and say she won't fill script until doctor calls and tells her the diagnosis and why you take the... read more

Any recommendations for pain management and mental health management with sciatica?

Mainly in my right leg but also in my left occasionaly. I have tried physiotherapy, a number of medications (amatriptilyne, naproxen) , I had a... read more

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