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Results for 'Vicodin Allergic Reactions Osteoarthritis Pain Back Pain'

Shelf life of Vicodin - how long can you keep it?

what is the 'shelf life' of vicodin 500mg tablets? i've been having a lot of back pain lately and i looked... read more

Vicodin vs Percocet: What's the difference?

Vicodin and Percocet are both used for pain relief but is one stronger or more addictive than the other?

Why doesn't tramadol work for me but vicodin works great?

Aren't they supposed to block pain the same way? Taking 1 tramdaol does not help my back pain at all and so I... read more

Tylenol vs Advil: What's the difference?

Tylenol and Advil are both used for pain relief but is one more effective than the other or has less of a risk of side effects?

Does Valium work well for a muscle relaxer?

I’m allergic to so many of the muscle relaxers, I want to try something different. I take methocarbamol without a problem but it... read more

Aleve vs Advil: What's the difference?

Aleve and Advil are both NSAIDs but which one is stronger or less likely to cause side effects?

Motrin vs Advil: What's the difference?

Both Motrin and Advil are NSAIDs but is one stronger or more likely to cause side effects compared to the other?

Can you overdose on ibuprofen?

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