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Results for 'Prozac Depression Arrhythmia Allergic Reactions Panic Disorder Side Effect Anxiety and Stress Heart Reaction'

Has anyone had a serious side effects while taking Prozac even high heart palpitations?

Need to know if anyone has had serious side effects the first time taking Prozac or an allergic reaction?

How long before the Prozac side effects stop after discontinuation?

I was put on Prozac for depression and only took it for about 4 days. It caused some pretty horrible side effects in me and... read more

Rough time adjusting to Prozac?

I recently started taking Prozac for anxiety, panic attacks and depression and I am absolutely miserable due to... read more

Can anyone tell me if coming off lexapro and straight onto prozac will give noticable side effects?

I was on lexapro 20mg for 8 months and my pysc changed me last week(as the lexapro was'nt working for me)so i'm taking 10mg of... read more

First day on Prozac 20 mg. Help?

Hi, I have super bad anxiety and depression. I was on Lexapro and Wellbutrin about a year ago when I stopped. I tried to take the... read more

Metronidazole - delayed reaction to Flagyl?

Has anyone else experienced delayed side effects with Flagyl? My last dose was Monday, and since Sunday night I’ve suffered from... read more

Prozac and Insomnia?

Hi, favour to ask: detailed answers requested! :-). Anyone whose had experience with Prozac and the side effect of insomnia?... read more

I need help - I;m so scared to take my Prozac?

I'm scared to take Prozac because of the possible side effects.

Been on prozac 20mg for 2weeks. I am falling asleep mid day. Anyone else experience this ?

I have since changed the TIME of day I take my SSRI from morning to night didn't work- i fell asleep at 11 am, woke because i HAD to at 2 pm.... read more

Doxycycline - Side effects? Our son has taken this med for 2 months for acne and has had a reaction?

... that we just figured out was because of the meds. He was passing out regularly, said his brain felt numb, tongue thick, terrible anxiety... read more

If and when will prozac side effects lessen?

I just started on 20 mg fluoxetine yesterday for OCD and depression, and today woke up with nausea, dizziness, sweaty hands and overall... read more

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