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Results for 'Pain Heparin Surgery Injection Bladder'

How and where is Heparin injection given?

Vivitrol - I have to have surgery exactly 31 days after my 1st vitriol injection and am concerned?

... the pain medication will not have any effect for my post care. Does anyone know how long until you can feel the affects of opoids again... read more

Bladder sling surgery for stress incontinence, will I be able to return to work in 2 weeks?

My doctor said that I should be able to return to work in 2 weeks. I am now worried about whether I will be able to return to work in 2 weeks. It is... read more

What are the side effects of a deep joint cortisone injection?

got a injection to "relieve pain" and shoulder is doing worse than before and doctors don't want to do surgery.

Is there a safe way that I can dispose of heparin? I also have extraSodium Chloride. Thank you?

These are in syringes used to flush a pic-line and no longer needed.

Can I take a tramadol for pain before surgery?

I had a Ultrasound, I have a cyst and a gall stone lodged into my liver. I am scheduled to have surgery in 2 days to remove my gall... read more

I need help finding a pain doc who will write for meds, Pennsylvania?

I live near nothing, I really need some help finding a pain doc who will rx meds and due trigger point injections. I have had six major... read more

4000 units bolus if heparin on hand is 5000 units per ml, how many ml to be given bolus and how oft?

dose ordered 4000 units of heparin bolus on hand is 5000 units per ml how many ml to give bolus and how often?

Is Rocephin compatible with Heparin at y-site?

Completed the full dosage of Cipro for a bladder infection, should I still be in pain?

The bladder infection is accompanied with intense itching inside of my vaginal walls. The doctor said it was probably yeast. She prescribed me... read more

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