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Results for 'Nuvigil Armodafinil Generic'

Armodafinil - bipolar & armodafonil effects?

Has anyone taken this for bipolar depression but had issues sleeping ? I am having a rough time with depression and nothing is working. I worry about... read more

Nuvigil and Ozempic combination affects results of Nuvigil?

I'm taking both and I'm not getting the desired affects from Nuvigil. Anybody else taking this combination?

How long does it take Nuvigil to work?

This is my 5th day on 150mg of Nuvigil. I really havent experienced wakefulness yet. Im still very tired, all day. I tried to not take... read more

Is it ok to cut a nuvigil tablet in half?

Am taking the 150 mg strength but would like to try a lesser strength. is it ok to cut these tablets in half?

Nuvigil - Can I split the150mg in half ?

Nuvigil - how long does this stuff take to work?

I am on day 1 of taking nuvigil. I took 1 x 250mg after waking from a 14 hour sleep (my husband woke me up).. I feel very tired (more than I... read more

Is amadofonil same as Nuvigil?

Does Nuvigil work the same as amadofonil? Are the properties the same?

Is Nuvigil a narcotic like Aderrall?

I was approved for Aderrall, but learned it was a narcotic. After more research, I see that it is basically pharmaceutical grade amphetamine. A... read more

Nuvigil for MS 150 mg causes me to have diarrhea?

Nuvigil is the best but I am having diarrhea every time right after I eat. Will this side effect go away?

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