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Results for 'Insulin Resistance Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Metformin Side Effect Doctor Diagnosis Tablet'

Metformin - help PCOS medication isn’t helping me lose the weight?

I am 22 years old and I was first diagnosed with PCOS when I was 12 years old when I had two surgeries to take out two teratoma cysts. I never had to... read more

Metformin - I am 53 and had a hysterectomy and my ovaries removed ten years ago?

While looking at my ovaries the surgeon said I had PCOS. I presumed that having them removed would sort this problem out. But I have since found out... read more

What are the symptoms of lactic acidosis caused by metformin?

Conflicting stories about taking metformin - will it help my weight and PCOS?

My gyno prescribed metformin 500 mg 2 x day for PCOS. He said it was an anti-diabetic but that it is also taken for PCOS. I have had a hard... read more

Metformin - unable to lose weight before medication?

I see a lot of women who are happy with their weight loss results while on metformin, but I notice it is also in conjuction with a lifestyle... read more

Does Metformin counter the helpfulness of birth control? Does it make periods heavy?

I have PCOS and I have been on birth control for about 2 years now to help control it and because I am sexually active. I started Metformin... read more

How does metformin work?

When is the best time to take metformin?

Can you take metformin without food?

How long does metformin take to work?

Metformin and phentermine?

What has weight loss been like for anyone taking metformin and phintermine. My dr put me on both for wieght loss due to pcos

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