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Results for 'Indomethacin Side Effect Expiration'

Indomethacin with discard date of 12-10-2010?

Is it safe to take Indomethacin that is past it's expiration or discard date? Or, can it be given to a free clinic to be disbursed... read more

Indomethacin - what is the expiration time line for this pill?

I first received this pill in 2009, can I still take it today?

Does Indomethacin actually treat the goutty crystallyine deposits in your joints?

Yes I do use Indomethacin for my gout but my side effect is when I urinate it's a really long and difficult process.... read more

Recognizing Counterfeits

Can I take indomethacin,for a shingles outbreak?

Wondering if I can take it for the pain and swelling?

What will show up on a drug screen if I take predenisone, proden\coch, and indomethacin?

I failed a drug screen for methamphetamine. What could I have taken besides these three medications to have caused this?

How long can it be used safely after the expiration date?

Any harmful side effects or does the potency of the Lidex simply diminish?

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