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Results for 'Indomethacin Migraine'

Indomethacin with discard date of 12-10-2010?

Is it safe to take Indomethacin that is past it's expiration or discard date? Or, can it be given to a free clinic to be disbursed there... read more

Can I take indomethacin,for a shingles outbreak?

Wondering if I can take it for the pain and swelling?

What will show up on a drug screen if I take predenisone, proden\coch, and indomethacin?

I failed a drug screen for methamphetamine. What could I have taken besides these three medications to have caused this?

Does Indomethacin actually treat the goutty crystallyine deposits in your joints?

Yes I do use Indomethacin for my gout but my side effect is when I urinate it's a really long and difficult process. Seriously you'd... read more

Can you take allopurinol and indomethacin at the same time?

I have been prescribed allopurinol 300mg and just started. It seems like the gout has gotten worse since taking it so I am continuing to take... read more

Can I take indomethacin while taking gabapentin?

Indomethacin - what is the expiration time line for this pill?

I first received this pill in 2009, can I still take it today?

Will indomethacin pills cause weight gain?

I have an abcess. Can I use Indomethacin to help?

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