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Results for 'Colace Constipation'

Why doesn't Colace work for me?

I have constipation and the nurse that saw me at the ER yesterday told me to take Colace since it's a gentle stool softener.... read more

The Do's and Don'ts of Treating Constipation

What is the maximum dosage for Colace stool softener at one time?

I took 400 mg at one time. I have chronic constipation and nothing works except for magnesium citrate. I don't have a bowel movement... read more

Which drugs cause opioid-induced constipation?

Will taking colace capsules lead to dependency?

Can Colace cause the urine to be especially yellow?

I've been taking Colace now for just over a week and I find that when I urinate, the color is getting more and more yellow. This is not a... read more

Is colace safe to take after it has expired?

My husband takes stool softeners but it is out of date since 2011 is it still safe to take?

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