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Results for 'Clexane Enoxaparin Warfarin Dosage Bleeding Tooth'

Should I stop my warfarin or clexane (enoxaparin) dose as still my bleeding persits after tooth extr

as i had my tooth extraction n prior to that i had stopped my normal warfarin dose n started clexane(enoxaparin).. after... read more

Warfarin - My level is 1.1 what are the danger? Does this mean I am at high level of clotting or?

My level is 1.1 do I have a higher change of bleeding or clotting? What are the dangers? Should I stay home till Monday when I can talk to... read more

Antibiotics and Vaginal Bleeding (I'm not on birth control, is this normal?)?

I got my wisdom teeth removed last month and they got inflected so now I'm taking antibiotics, Amoxicillin Trihydrate (3 times a day) and... read more

I need an anibiotic. What can I safely use while on warfarin?

I was given azithromycin. I was scared and did not take it. Then I was given Levaquin. I was told of the increased risk for bleeding, and did... read more

What Effect Can Food Have While Taking Medication?

Warfarin - is it normal to feel cold while taking Warfarin?

Hi Im sandy age 54. I'm on warfarin and feel cold since been on it, is this normal?Is it normal to feel cold when your on warfarin... read more

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