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Results for 'Ecotrin Lipitor Plavix Vitamin D Vitamins Heart Attack Heart Disease Vitamin D Deficiency Vitamin/Mineral Supplementation and Deficiency'

I take Plavix. What non-NSAID medication can I safely take for arthritis pain and inflammation?

I am not supposed to take NSAIDS because I take Plavix daily as a heart attack and heart surgery survivor.... read more

Taking lipitor for several years, 3 mths ago started getting bad hip leg pain, could it be lipitor?

I've tried exercise and pain medication, to no avail, and I'm wondering if it could be the lipitor. A pharmacist told me... read more

How can I change the time of day I take Plavix?

My husband was hospitalized after a heart attack and they started him on Plavix and they would give it in the mornings.... read more

Vitamin D Insufficiency - Pain in several joints for a couple of months now?

Turned out according to my lab tests that my vitamin D is low. i've been taking vitamin... read more

Brilinta vs Plavix: what's the difference?

Which is better or more effective Brilinta or Plavix?

How do you know if you have heart disease?

How can you check for heart disease at home?

How many mg of B-12 & mg vitamin D3 & mg of multi-vitamins & mg of fish oil taken in a day?

And iron. The lady I take care of is having very bad side effects, like blister's breathing problems and I have been looking up all this stuff... read more

What pills do I take to get pregnant?

I tried geritol liquid and it hasn't help me get pregnant just sick and I had all the side affects I been trying for a minute to get pregnant is... read more

What could be the reaction of taking expired Centrum tablets, have a full bottel exp dec 2013?

Are there any side effects if these tabs were to be consumed in next two months or so ?

Zinc sulfate and zinc gluconate?

is the dosing the same for zinc sulfate and zinc gluconate?

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