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Results for 'Lexapro Anxiety Generalized Anxiety Disorder Doctor Medicine Antidepressant Viibryd'

Does Lexapro 10mg make you feel high when you take it?

I just been prescribed 10mg by my doctor and I haven't taken it yet. I'm worried about the side effects and if it will make me feel... read more

How long until Lexapro starts to make me feel better?

I just started on Lexapro 5 days ago. The doctor prescribed 10mg but told me to break it in half and take 5mg for the first week. She... read more

Is Viibryd effective on anxiety disorders?

What is the best way to taper off Lexapro?

Please share some of your thoughts, The doctors seem to think tapering off by 5 I can off in two weeks after being on for a year. I do not see in any... read more

Should I continue Lexapro when I cant ejaculate?

I started taking Lexapro for a week now. I found myself completely can't ejaculate after a few tries. My doctor told me the... read more

5 weeks on lexapro 10mg and I still don't feel good should I uo my dose or wait a bit longer?

5 weeks on 10 mg still have no energy and anxiety ..should I wait a couple of more weeks Or just increase to 15 doctor said... read more

How many medicine combos is everyone on?

Does anyone else take several medicines? I take olanzapine, Wellbutrin, Buspar, Depakote, and Lexapro.

Can increasing Lexapro dosage from 10 to 20mg cause increased anxiety?

After six weeks on 10mg with no improvement in depression and anxiety, my doctor increased my dosage to 20 mg. I began to feel... read more

Is it okay to start taking 5mg of Lexapro after taking 10mg of it for 2 days?

I’ve been suffering from anxiety and depression lately, so my doctor prescribed me 10mg of lexapro a few days ago.... read more

Should I wait for the full 3 months for Luvox to work or switch to another antidepressant?

To anyone who knows about these meds (especially those who know Luvox/fluvoxamine), 29 year old male here w/ severe and chronic... read more

Which is the best antidepressant for anxiety with the least side effects?

I already take buspar for anxiety, but I feel as though adding an antidepressant would be more effective for me. I have taken... read more

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