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Results for 'Klonopin Depression Anxiety Doctor Medical Medication'

Xanax and Klonopin for flying?

My doctor gave me 2 mg of Xanax for a flight I had today. It did not work at all, and I was unable to board the flight. It did not relieve any... read more

How many years have you been on Klonopin? Who is the oldest person you know taking Klonopin?

I am 61 and just started clonazapam for GAD. I cannot take SSRIs, can't tolerate side effects. I managed to not need a benzo for 21 years by... read more

Accidentally taking 2 pills of Klonopin (0.5mg)?

I am currently taking Klonopin(0.5mg) twice a day as needed and Lexapro (20mg). i always worry that i might forget if i took my... read more

How do I get off Xanax and Klonopin at the same time?

I’ve been taking Klonopin during the day (1mg) and Xanax at night (1/2-1mg) I’ve been taking Klonopin for a long time -... read more

When is the best time to take Omeprazole?

when is the best time to take omeprazole 20 mg, i have acid in my stomach due to a medical condition i have for life Chilaiditi syndrome, and... read more

When is your blood pressure high to the point I need to seek medical attention?

Over last 3 days it's been fluctuating. I just woke up again feeling funny and I checked it. It's 150/136. I'm watching it but... read more

Does klonopin make you feel depressed? It relaxes me, but I feel down while on it?

I used to take 2 mg of Ativan 2 times a day, but it just didn't work for me. Now I've recently been on 1 mg of klonopin 2 times a... read more

Klonopin vs Xanax - How are they different?

Is 0.25 to 0.5 mg of Klonopin a day enough to have an effect?

I have been taking Klonopin since the end of August. I started out taking .25 mg, (cutting a .5 mg pill in half) and the first few days I... read more

On 10mg Valium built a tolerance is there anything stronger I cant take xanax or klonopin?

i been on 10mgs of Valium 3x a day i dont know if theres anything they can give me stronger been on Valium for 8 moths i have very sever... read more

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