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Results for 'Zoloft Side Effect'

Will increasing my Zoloft from 150 to 175 give me any side effects?

New here, just a little background on me - I've been on Sertraline for the past 5ish years. I started on a low dose, and noticed that every 4-6... read more

Does Zoloft increase dosage cause side effects?

I have been on Zoloft 25mg for 5 weeks for anxiety. I was still having anxiety and decided to go up slowly to 50mg. I've only been taking... read more

First day of Zoloft and having side effects.

I started taking Zoloft yesterday morning around 7.00am at 25mg and I didn’t feel anything really, until this morning around 2:30am,... read more

Has anyone tried CBD gummies or oil with Zoloft to help with side effects? Before I was on meds?

... I ate a gummie or 2 to help with anxiety, but it didn't. I'm on a low dose now of Zoloft, 25mg on day 11, my GP said to stay... read more

Bad side effects - Dexilant, Reglan and Zoloft?

I had a cortisone shot a number of weeks ago that caused a plethora of side effects, including my hormones being completely screwed up. This... read more

How long do zoloft side effects last?

Hey everyone i have very bad anxiety and depression along with that i have ocd my question is i took lexapro had side effects didnt go away... read more

Problem with Zoloft side effects?

I have been on Zoloft 5mg for 10 days and 25mg dosage for 4 days. I still experience a racing heart and sleeplessness Hard to deal with. I... read more

Zoloft EMOTIONAL NUMBNESS Side effects How long will this last?

(took the pill 10:00PM 26th) (October 27th 4:00PM)Believe it or not I already feel my medication, it felt pretty good at first but as the day went... read more

First day on zoloft have terrible side effects, should I continue?

Already experiencing side effects... tremors, muscle twitching, insomnia, confusion, zombie feeling. My anxiety before taking the medication... read more

How long does it take for Zoloft to be in your system if you are going to have side effects?

I just started Zoloft this morning (about 10 hours ago) and I am feeling very tired and a little cloudy headed, if I was to have any other... read more

Strange Side Effects of Zoloft?

Hi everyone, I was prescribed 75 mg of Zoloft 5 weeks ago for postpartum depression. Im having very strange symptoms since beginning this... read more

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