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Results for 'Symbicort Herpes Zoster Varicella-Zoster Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease'

Have been on Symbicort for 3 for COPD. Now I am coughing & bringing up mucus, is this normal?

No coughing before now am coughing up muccus. Not bad but had not been coughing before. Will this continue or is the medication "bringing it... read more

How often can I use my Symbicort inhaler?

Is Symbicort a steroid inhaler?

Has anyone experienced back/hip joint pain while using Symbicort?

I have been using symbicort for about 3 months with great success in controlling my asthma/COPD, but have had an severe increase in pain in my... read more

How long after you stop taking Symbicort do the side effects go away?

Trying to find an inhaler that works. Symbicort effected me the worst. After only 6 2 puff inhales. I stopped and can't wait for any... read more

Herpes Zoster - I am looking for an effective medication to relieve pain of shingles?

I have had shingles for 8 weeks. I took Valtrex at the onset. I am using a cream compounded by local pharmacy, plus lidocaine , ibuprofen,... read more

What does Symbicort do to the lungs?

Is Symbicort used as a rescue or maintenance inhaler?

Symbicort vs. Advair: How do they compare?

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