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Results for 'Forteo Osteoporosis Weight Loss (Obesity/Overweight) Pain Weight Cramp'

Topiramate - Topamax Weight Loss...a second time?

I took Topamax for well over a year and I lost a lot of weight. Unfortunately, when the dose was increased, I started to gain... read more

Does Wellbutrin XL/SR cause weight gain or loss?

What can be done about pain in the leg which comes on with use of Fosamax, what can I take instead?

I have had pain in the right leg for some time now. It appears with use of alendronate (Fosamax), and Evista. Any recommendation for a drug... read more

Can muscle, joint and bone pain with Fosamax be severe enough to be debilitating?

I was on Fosamax years ago for Osteopenia. Bone density exams showed improvement. After being on the drug for over five years studies came out... read more

Can alprazolam cause weight gain or weight loss?

I'm 23, and I suffer from horrible panic attacks, anxiety, insomnia. Just thinking about laying down for the night gives me a rapid heartbeat... read more

Has anyone used Topamax for weight loss?

I would like to hear from others who have been prescribed Topamax for weight loss. Not so much those who have used it for... read more

Does prolia make weight gain & hunger, sores in & around mouth that doesn't heal, tired, back pain?

Started prolia last year, had a fall back in 2000 but back pain now is severe, just started flexeril, weight gain because I stay... read more

Will steroid injections make my osteoporosis worse?

I had 6 steroid shots in the heel of my foot for pain that I was having due to heel spurs. I also have the beginning of osteoporosis... read more

Reclast interactions with naproxen?

I have recently been diagnosed with osteoporosis and am evaluating different bisphosphonate treatments. I currently take 220 mg of naproxen... read more

How long until I lose the weight caused by Zyprexa and will my Invega interfere with my weight loss?

I’ve been on Zyprexa for several months and I’m slowly being weaned off of it with my health care professional. I take my last dosage on... read more

Effexor for anxiety and weight loss- For anyone that lost weight on Effexor?

Ive been on Effexor for about three weeks and I lost about ten pounds. My question is if people have success stories on this drug? (Either emotional... read more

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